Entries by Martin George

Same Sex Unions Within the Current Regulatory Framework of Serbian Private International Law

Gaso Knezevic and Vladimir Pavic (both at the University of Belgrade) have posted “Same-Sex Unions Within the Current Regulatory Framework of Serbian Private International Law” on SSRN (original citation: Yugoslav Law Year, Vol. 3, 2006). Here’s the abstract: Recent introduction of fully-fledged homosexual marriages in certain countries like the Netherlands and Belgium have opened a […]

Norwegian Court of Appeal on Choice of Law

The Norwegian Court of Appeal (Borgarting lagmannsrett) recently handed down a decision on the question of Choice of law regarding the limitation period for money claims. The decision (Borgarting lagmannsrett (kjennelse)) is dated 2007-05-28, published in LH-2007-75346, and is retrievable from

Norwegian Court of Appeals on the Lugano Convention Article 5 nr. 1

The Norwegian Court of Appeal (Haalogaland lagmannsrett) recently handed down a decision on the Lugano Convention Article 5 nr. 1 on the interpretation of the notions “contract”, “obligation” and “the place of performance” of the obligation. The decision (Haalogaland lagmannsrett (kjennelse)) is dated 2007-05-16, published in LH-2007-70583, and is retrievable from

Swedish Supreme Court on Legal Basis for Jurisdiction

The Swedish Supreme Court (Högsta Domstolen) recently rendered a decision on the legal basis for its international adjudicatory authority in civil matters when the Council Regulation no 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 (hereinafter “the Brussels I Regulation”) is inapplicable. The decision rendered 15 June 2007 with case no. Ö 494-06 can be retrieved

General Motors Corp v Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Group

General Motors Corporation v Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance (2007) EWHC 2206 (Comm) is a rather convoluted case on whether a consent order, in the circumstances of the case, amounted to an exclusive jurisdiction agreement in favour of the English courts, and whether an application for an anti-suit injunction could therefore be granted. Here’s the […]

Swedish Supreme Court on Jurisdiction and Trademark Infringements

The Swedish Supreme Court (Högsta Domstolen) recently rendered a decision on rejection to refer a case to the ECJ for a preliminary ruling on the proper interpretation of Article 5.3 of the Council Regulation no 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 (hereinafter “the Brussels I Regulation”). The decision rendered 27 April 2007 with case no. Ö […]

10% Discount on the Journal of Private International Law

A substantial proportion of the people receive our content via email or RSS, rather than visiting the site directly, and thus may not have noticed a new banner at the top of the screen (decorated in shades of yellow and orange) that entitles readers of this site to a 10% discount when subscribing to the