Entries by Martin George

Au Revoir to Renvoi?

C.J.S. Knight has written a casenote in the Conveyancer and Property Lawyer on the High Court decision in Iran v Berend (Conv. (2007) November/December Pages 564-571). Here’s the abstract: Discusses the Queens Bench Division decision in Iran v Berend on whether renvoi has a place in choice of law cases concerning title to moveable property, […]

Inter-Country Adoptions from India

Ranjit and Anil Malhotra have written a piece on “Inter-Country Adoptions from India” in the new issue of the Commonwealth Law Bulletin (C.L.B. 2007, 33(2), 191-207 ). Here’s the abstract: This article discusses the inter-country adoption procedure, coupled with the relevant legislation to be complied with by foreigners seeking to adopt children from India. At […]

Bookshop Updated

The secure, Amazon-powered CONFLICT OF LAWS .NET online bookshop has been updated and expanded, and now provides details and purchase options for most private international law books (written in English) currently available. Any revenue from it goes towards the cost of running the website, so you are actively supporting CONFLICT OF LAWS .NET by using […]

Lecture: Liability from Marine Pollution between Uniform Law and Choice of Law and Jurisdiction

On 27 November 2007 the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Maritime Affairs together with the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) will host, within their lecture series titled “The Hamburg Lectures on Maritime Affairs”, an evening lecture by Prof. Sergio Carbone (Professor, University of Genoa) titled “Liability from marine pollution […]