Entries by Marta Requejo

“The ECJ and the end of the law”

The Autonomous University of Barcelona is organizing a Seminar of Professors under the suggestive title “The ECJ and the end of the law”. The meeting will gather professors of several disciplines – Labor law, Financial Law, International public and private Law-, in order to discuss some of the most controversial decisions of the Court of Luxembourg. The Private […]

Fourth Complutense Seminar on Private International Law

On 11 and  12 March, 2010, a new edition (the fourth) of the Private International Law Seminar organized by Prof. Fernández Rozas and  De Miguel Asensio will take place in Madrid . This Seminar, which has proven to be one of the most important and successful in the area of Private International Law in Spain both by the extent […]

English Book on the Rome I Regulation

Will the new Rome I Regulation meet its goals to improve the predictability of the outcome of litigation? to bring certainty as to the law applicable and the free movement of judgments? to designate the same national law irrespective of the country of the court in which an action is brought? Edited by Prof. S. […]

New Title on Nagoya University Comparative Study of Civil Justice

Professor Masanori Kawano, from Nagoya University, leads the project “Establishing a new framework for realizing effective transnational business litigation”, supported by the Grant-in-Aid Program for Creative Scientific Research of JSPS. Main aim of this project is the setting up of an international framework and a methodology for comparative legal studies, in order to alleviate the […]

The Written Observations Submitted in the Gambazzi Case

Many thanks to Prof. Koji Takahashi for sending the following text and the files with the written observations submitted in the Gambazzi case. The written observations submitted to the European Court of Justice are normally unpublished. Earlier this year, I obtained the observations submitted in Case C-394/07 Gambazzi by the United Kingdom, the Republic of […]

Failure of the Hague Abduction Convention: M.J. Carrascosa’s fate

M. J. Carrascosa and her ex-husband P. Innes met in a bar in New Jersey in 1999. They married that year in Spain and returned to the U.S., where they both worked. Their daughter V. was born in April 2000. The couple separated in 2004. The parties reached a settlement under which the child would […]

Dámaso Ruiz-Járabo Colomer

Advocate General Dámaso Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer has passed away in Luxembourg. Born in 1949, Mr Dámaso Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer was Judge and then Member of the Consejo General del Poder Judicial (General Council of the Judiciary of Spain). He worked as professor of Administrative Law and served as Head of the Private Office of the President of the Consejo […]

New Title of De Conflictu Legum Collection

Prof. Laura Carballo Piñeiro (University of Santiago de Compostela) has just published her monograph entitled Las acciones colectivas y su eficacia extraterritorial. Problemas de recepción y transplante de las class actions en Europa (Collective actions and their extraterritorial effectiveness. Issues on the reception and adaptation of class actions in Europe). The book, the last one of […]

ECJ: First Ruling on the Rome Convention

On March 2008, the  Hoge Raad der Nederlanden (Netherlands) made reference for a preliminary ruling to the ECJ, regarding the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations, opened for signature in Rome on 19 June 1980 (see