Entries by Marta Requejo

Zamora Cabot on the Islamic Veil

 Prof. Zamora Cabot (University of Castellón, España) has just published an article on multiculturalism, entitled “Europa entre las corrientes de la multiculturalidad: incidencia del velo islámico en el Reino Unido” (Papeles en el tiempo de los derechos, num. 14, 2011. ISBN: 1989-8797) This paper addresses the topic of the Islamic veil, one of the most […]

Andrea Bonomi: Varia on Succession and PIL

Prof. Andrea Bonomi, Vice-Dean of the Faculté de droit et des sciences criminelles and Director of the Centre de droit comparé, européen et international (CDCEI), University of Lausanne, has just published a critical opinion on the Proposal for a Regulation in matters of succession in the collective book Innovatives Recht (Festschrift für Ivo Schwander), under […]

Katia Fach on Latin America and ICSID

 Katia Fach, senior Researcher at the University of Zaragoza (Spain) has posted a new article on SSRN, under the title Latin America and Icsid: David versus Goliath?. Here is the abstract: Some Latin American countries have shown in recent times a very critical attitude with respect to the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes […]

Spanish Mortgages Are Null And Void. Who Says?: The Ecuadorian Parliament

 Nicolás Zambrana has kindly sent me this text. Nicolás Zambrana Tévar (nzambranat@unav.es) is assistant lecturer of Private International Law at the University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. He is also member of the Grupo de Estudios sobre el Derecho Internacional Privado y los Derechos Humanos.   Several Ecuadorian political parties have introduced a new draft bill […]

3rd International Moot Competition on Maritime Arbitration

The Center for International Law and Justice (Odessa, Ukraine) is pleased to invite law schools to compete in the 3rd International Moot Competition on Maritime Arbitration.   This year the moot case concerns number of issues at the forefront of economy affairs. Prominent Ukrainian Law Firm “International Law Offices” have kindly provided the Center with Moot Case […]

Agreements as to Succession

On the 31st. October the Spanish magazine La Ley-Unión Europea published a paper on Article 18 (Agreements as to succession) of the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and authentic instruments in matters of succession and the creation of a […]

New Issue of Arbitraje. Revista de arbitraje comercial y de inversiones

The latest issue of Arbitraje. Revista de arbitraje comercial y de inversiones (2011, vol. 3), has just been released. I would like to highlight some of its contents: C. Kröner, “Crossing the Mare Liberum: the Settlement of Disputes in an Interconnected World” (in english) P. Perales Viscasillas, “La reforma de la Ley de Arbitraje (ley […]

Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional Privado, vol. X (2010)

A new volume of the Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional Privado has just been released. It includes a number of unique studies, most of which are in-depth developments of the ideas briefly presented both by Spanish and foreign scholars at the International Seminar on Private International Law, held last March at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid; that […]