Entries by Marta Requejo

ISDS in the TTIP?

The question whether the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) should include an Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provision clause has triggered a lively debate where opinions are clearly opposed. As I am not an expert in the field I can only report on the fact and refer to what has been already said elsewhere. In this regard I would recommend […]

Yearbook of Private International Law, 2013-2014

In line with its predecessors, Volume XV (2013/2014) of the Yearbook of Private International Law offers a comprehensive insight into the contemporary trends of private international law in terms of both theoretical thinking and practical achievements. The volume includes two contributions from prominent scholars on freedom of movement of public documents and records within the EU, a whole […]

Spanish Yearbook of International Law: Call for Papers

The Call for Papers for Vol. 18 (2013-2014) of the Spanish Yearbook of International Law (SYbIL), in now open. Manuscripts dealing with any topic of interest in the field of Public and Private International Law and International Relations should be submitted to the editors by 31 October 2014. The manuscripts shall conform to the Style Guide […]

Forthcoming Title: Private International Law in the English Courts

Prof. Adrian Brigg’s new ouvrage on PIL, of more than 1.000 pages and which has been described as “a major restatement of the rules of Private International Law in the English Courts”, is about to appear at OUP. The book offers a restatement of European and English Private International Law as it applies in the English […]

Recent Developments in European Private and Business Law

Under the general heading of “Recent developments in European Private & Business Law”, an upcoming conference of the Academy of European Law (ERA) will take place in Trier next November, 20-21,  with the following key topics: Recast of Brussels I, to be applied from 10 January 2015 – including its interaction with the new Choice of Court Convention […]

The Draft UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions: Why and How?

19 September 2014. 9:00 – 17:30 Hôtel Métropole, Geneva  A Model Law on secured transactions over movables is currently being drafted under the auspices of UNCITRAL. The aim is to prepare a simple, short and concise text, proposed for adoption (or as a source of inspiration) to countries wishing to adapt their legislation to the […]

TDM Call for Papers on Dispute Resolution from a Corporate Perspective

While corporations are one of the key stakeholders in international dispute resolution, they do not often participate in the debate, and if they do, they often speak a language completely different from that of the other stakeholders. There are numerous topics that play a key role in the daily life of corporate dispute resolution lawyers […]

Investor-to State Dispute Settlement Mechanism (EU Regulation)

  On 28 August, the European Union took an important step towards creating a comprehensive EU investment policy, with the publication of a Regulation setting out a new set of rules to manage disputes under the EU’s investment agreements with its trading partners. The rules – set out in the Regulation on financial responsibility under […]

New Book Published: Recognition in International Civil Litigation – European Enforcement Law

The lectures delivered at the 2013 Conference of the International Association of Procedural Law on recognition of foreign judgments and cross-border enforcement have been collected in a book, recently published by Gieseking Verlag and edited by Prof. Burkhard Hess, under the title Die Anerkennung im Internationalen Zivilprozessrecht – Europäisches Vollstreckungsrecht. The volume addresses the following topics: Perspectives […]