Entries by Jan von Hein

Sandra Wandt on Party Autonomy in European Private International Law

Sandra Wandt has published an interesting doctoral thesis (in German) on „Party Autonomy in European Private International Law – A Study on the Main Codifications regarding Coherence, Completeness and Regulatory Efficiency“ (Rechtswahlregelungen im europäischen Kollisionsrecht – Eine Untersuchung der Hauptkodifikationen auf Kohärenz, Vollständigkeit und rechtstechnische Effizienz; PL Academic Research, Frankfurt/Main 2014). The thesis was accepted […]

EUPILLAR Project Workshop on “Cross-Border Litigation in Europe: European and British Perspectives on the Private International Law Legislative Framework, Juridical Experience and Practice” (Aberdeen, 17 April 2015)

The Centre for Private International Law at the Law School of the University of Aberdeen is pleased to announce that the kick-off workshop of the EUPILLAR (European Union Private International Law: Legal Application in Reality) Project, funded by the European Commission, will take place at the University of Aberdeen, King’s College Conference Centre on 17 […]

Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2/2015: Abstracts

The latest issue of the “Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax)” features the following articles: Moritz Brinkmann, „Clash of Civilizations“ oder effektives Rechtshilfeinstrument? Zur wachsenden Bedeutung von discovery orders nach Rule 28 U.S.C. § 1782(a) The author analyses two recent decisions by U.S. federal courts on Rule 28 U.S.C. § 1782(a). Under this rule […]

Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 1/2015: Abstracts

The latest issue of the “Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax)” features the following articles: Heinz-Peter Mansel/Karsten Thorn/Rolf Wagner, European conflict of laws 2014: The year of upheaval The article provides an overview of developments in Brussels in the field of judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters from December 2013 until November 2014. […]

Characterising The Liability of Directors of an Insolvent English Limited having its Real Seat in Germany: German Federal Court of Justice Requests a Preliminary Ruling from the CJEU

by Dr. Vanessa Seibel Dr. Vanessa Seibel is an Associate at White & Case LLP, Frankfurt/Main (Germany). 1. Introduction In a recent request for a preliminary ruling by the CJEU, the German Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof, BGH) proposes to apply a German provision of the code on limited liability companies (GmbHG) to an English […]

Staudinger, Article 43-46 EGBGB International Property Law. Revised edition 2015 by Heinz-Peter Mansel

Staudinger, Article 43-46 EGBGB International Property Law. Author: Heinz-Peter Mansel. Editor: Dieter Henrich. Revised edition 2015 (Publication date: December 2014), XLVI and 1057 pages The “Staudinger” is a comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, including Private International Law, and a reliable source of academic and practice-oriented expert information on the structure,  changes and developments […]

The Influence of Islam on Banking and Finance

On 12th of October 2012, the Ernst von Caemmerer Foundation organized a symposium on „The Influence of Islam on Banking and Finance“ that took place on the premises of the Commerzbank AG in Frankfurt am Main (Germany). The conference language was English. Subject of the presentations and subsequent discussions were the latest developments in the field […]

Private International Law in the 20th century

In December 2012, the Institute of Private International and Foreign Private Law of the University of Cologne hosted a symposium to commemorate the 100th birthday of Gerhard Kegel and the 80th birthday of Alexander Lüderitz. The invited speakers, Klaus Schurig (University of Passau), Karsten Otte (University of Mannheim), and Haimo Schack (University of Kiel) focused […]