Entries by Gilles Cuniberti

French Doctorate on the Use of the Lex Fori

Ms Peggy Carlier has recently completed her doctorate at the Universiy of Lille on “How to use the Lex Fori in the Conflict of Laws Process” (“L’utilisation de la lex fori dans la résolution des conflits de lois“). The English abstract reads: By overemphasising the benefits of foreign law as the mean of the resolution […]

French Supreme Court Applies Blocking Statute

I should have reported much earlier this interesting case of the French Supreme Court for Private and Criminal Matters (Cour de cassation) which applied for the first time the French 1980 statute which criminalizes cooperation with U.S. discovery procedures. A lawyer was fined € 10,000 for seeking information for the purpose of Californian proceedings. The French blocking statute is […]

Japan Accedes to CISG

We do not usually report on uniform law, but Japan was one of the few major trading powers which had not acceded to the CISG.   The report of the United Nations Information Service is

Jurisdiction to Prevent the End of the World

Which court has jurisdiction to prevent the end of the world? Any, one would think: after all, the end of the world is likely to have serious consequences pretty much everywhere. Is that why an American retired radiation safety officer and a Spanish science writer decided to initiate proceedings in Hawaï to stop the running of the […]