Entries by Gilles Cuniberti

Antisuit Injunction Denied by French Court

Yesterday, the Paris first instance court (Tribunal de grande instance) has denied an antisuit injunction in the high profile Vivendi case. In July 2002, shareholders of Vivendi Universal brought a securities fraud class action before a U.S. Court in New York  against the company and two of its formers officers, Jean-Marie Messier and Guillaume Hannezo. Vivendi is […]

Franco-American Lis Pendens

It is not good to be a Franco-American couple these days. Yesterday, the French supreme court for private and criminal matters (Cour de cassation) delivered

French Publication: Special Issue of Gazette du Palais on International Litigation

Once a year, the French daily legal journal Gazette du Palais has an issue dedicated to european and international litigation (Contentieux judiciaire européen et international). It typically includes articles and case notes. The last issue was released on November 28th, 2009. In a first piece, Professor Marie-Laure Niboyet (Paris X Nanterre University) discusses the most recent deicisions […]