Entries by Giesela Ruehl

Out now: RabelsZ 4/2020

Issue 4 of RabelsZ is now available online and in print. It contains the following articles: MAX-PLANCK-INSTITUT FÜR AUSLÄNDISCHES UND INTERNATIONALES PRIVATRECHT, Die Frühehe im Rechtsvergleich: Praxis, Sachrecht, Kollisionsrecht (Early Marriage in Comparative Law: Practice, Substantive Law, Choice of Law), pp. 705–785 Early marriage is a global and ancient phenomenon; its frequency worldwide, but especially […]

Virtual Conference on “The Burden of Proof in International Arbitration”

On Monday, October 26, 2020 at 15.00 CET, the European Center for Arbitration and Mediation and The International School of Arbitration and Mediation for Europe, the Mediterranean and the Middle East organise their Annual International Conference Med-Mid XIV on “The Burden of Proof in International Arbitration/La charge de la preuve dans l’arbitrage international”. The conference addresses four key issues of any international […]

Political Agreement on the Reform of the Evidence and the Service Regulation

After years of discussion the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament have finally reached agreement on the reform of the Evidence and the Service Regulation. The new rules aim to improve the cross-border taking of evidence as well as the cross-border service of documents in particular through an enhanced use of information […]

Out now: RabelsZ 3/2020

The third 2020 issue of RabelsZ has been released this week. It contains the following articles: Reinhard Zimmermann, Pflichtteil und Noterbenrecht in historisch-vergleichender Perspektive (Compulsory Portion and Forced Heirship in Historical and Comparative Perspective), pp. 465–547 The essay traces the development of mandatory family protection from Roman law through the ius commune to the modern […]