Entries by Giesela Ruehl

ELI Statement on CESL Proposal

It has not yet been mentioned on this blog that the European Law Institute has published an extensive Statement on the Proposal for a Common European Sales Law. The Statement (critically) analyses the Proposal in the light of the European Commission’s policy objectives and makes recommendations how to achieve them. The Statement can be downloaded

Civil Litigation in a Globalising World

Xandra E. Kramer, Professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam, and Remco van Rhee, Professor at Maastricht University, have edited a book on “Civil Litigation in a Globalising World”.  Published by T. M. C. Asser Press and distributed by

Spanish Articles on Rome III and the Succession Regulation

Two Spanish Articles on Rome III and the Succession Regulation have recently been published in Diario La Ley: La nueva regulación de la ley aplicable a la separación judicial y al divorcio: aplicación del Reglamento Roma III en España, Patricia Orejudo Prieto de los Mozos, Profesora Titular de Derecho internacional privado (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Diario La […]

Kleinheisterkamp on Dallah v Pakistan

Jan Kleinheisterkamp, Senior Lecturer in Law at the London School of Economics, has written an arcticle dealing with the much commented “Dallah v. Pakistan” case. The article has been published in The Modern Law Review 75 (2012), pp. 639-654. The abstract reads as follows: This note analyses the reasoning of the English and French courts […]

Schmidt on the Effects of Foreign Legacies in Germany

Jan Peter Schmidt, Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg, has posted an article on SSRN that deals with the effects of foreign legacies in Germany. The article is forthcoming in RabelsZ and can be downloaded

Grusic on the Territorial Scope of Employment Legislation and Choice of Law

Ugljesa Grusic, Lecturer  at University of Nottingham – School of Law and PhD Candidate at London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE), has posted an article on SSRN that deals with the Territorial Scope of Employment Legislation and Choice of Law. It has recently been published in the Modern Law Review and can be downloaded

Lüttringhaus on Uniform Terminology in European Private International Law

Jan D. Lüttringhaus, Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg, has posted an article on SSRN that deals with the uniform interpretation of the Rome I, Rome II and Brussels I Regulations (“Übergreifende Begrifflichkeiten im europäischen Zivilverfahrens- und Kollisionsrecht – Grund und Grenzen der rechtsaktsübergreifenden Auslegung dargestellt […]

Second Issue of 2012’s Journal of Private International Law

The second issue of the Journal of Private International Law has recently been released. The table of contents reads as follows: Hill, Jonathan, The Significance of Foreign Judgments Relating to an Arbitral Award in the Context of an Application to Enforce the Award in England, pp. 159-193 Elbalti, Beligh, The Jurisdiction of Foreign Courts and the Enforcement […]

Max Planck Post-Doc Conference on European Private Law

It has not yet been mentioned on this blog that the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg has recently issued a call for applications for another Post-Doc Conference on European Private Law  (including Private International Law) to be held on 22 and 23 April 2013. In contrast to the last […]