Entries by Giesela Ruehl

Niedermaier on Arbitration and Arbitration Agreements Between Parties of Unequal Bargaining Power

Tilman Niedermaier, LL.M. (University of Chicago) has authored a book on “Arbitration Agreements and Agreements on Arbitral Procedure Between Parties of Unequal Bargaining Power. A Comparison of German and U.S. Law With Consideration of Further Legal Systems.” (Originial German title: “Schieds- und Schiedsverfahrensvereinbarungen in strukturellen Ungleichgewichtslagen. Ein deutsch-U.S.-amerikanischer Rechtsvergleich mit Schlaglichtern auf weitere Rechtsordnungen”). The […]

German Notary Institute Conference on the Succession Regulation

This is to remind the readers of our blog that the German Notary Institute (DNotI) will host a conference on the European Succession Regulation on 11 October 2013.  The conference will take place in Würzburg and celebrate the Institute’s 20th anniversary. The conference programme is available 

Proposal for Amendment of the Brussels I-Regulation

The recently reformed Brussels I-Regulation is up for reform: according to a proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (COM(2013) 554 final) of July 26, 2013 the Brussels I-Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 (recast)) will be changed to account for the 2012 Unified Patent Court Agreement and the 2012 Protocol to […]

Do we need a Rome 0-Regulation?

As reported earlier in our blog, Stefan Leible and Hannes Unberath from the University of Bayreuth hosted a conference on the question whether we need a Rome 0-Regulation in June 2012. Recently, the conference volume has been published. For the moment it is available in German only. However, the editors are contemplating an English version at […]

ADR and ODR for (Cross-Border) Consumer Contracts

On 22 April 2013 Council of the European Union adopted a Directive on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and a Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) for (cross-border) consumer contracts. Building on two proposals of the European Commission of November 2011 the two instruments are meant to improve the cross-border enforcement of consumer rights. The official […]

Ringe on Regulatory Competition in Corporate Law in the European Union

Wolf-Georg Ringe, Professor of International Commercial Law at the Copenhagen Business School, has posted a paper on charter competition in European Union on SSRN (“Corporate Mobility in the European Union – A Flash in the Pan? – An Empirical Study on the Success of Lawmaking and Regulatory Competition”). The paper is available

Vogeler on Free Choice of Law in Private International Law of Non-Contractual Obligations

Andreas Vogeler has written a book on free choice of law in the European Private International Law of non-contractual obligations (Die freie Rechtswahl im Kollisionsrecht der außervertraglichen Schuldverhältnisse. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2013). The official summary reads as follows: With the codification of Art. 14 of the Rome II Regulation, European lawmakers harmonized the exercise of […]

Köhler on Overriding Mandatory Provisions in European Private International Law

Andreas Köhler from the University of Passau has written a book on overriding mandatory provisions in European Private International Law (Eingriffsnormen – Der ‘unfertige Teil’ des europäischen IPR, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2013). The author has kindly provided us with the following summary: After a detailed dogmatic analysis of the so-called “mandatory rules problem”, Andreas Köhler […]

Born on the European Private International Law of Book-Entry Securities

Michael Born has published a book on the European Private International Law of  Book-Entry Securities (Europäisches Kollisionsrecht des Effektengiros, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2013). The official summary reads as follows: The law applicable to securities held in book-entry form in securities accounts is subject to a variety of European private international law rules. However, these provisions […]