Elgar Companion to UNCITRAL: Virtual Book launch
Co-edited by Rishi Gulati, Thomas John and Ben Koehler, the
Giesela is a Professor of Private International Law at Humboldt-University Berlin (Germany). She has been an editor of conflictoflaws.net since 2011. From 2017 to 2019 she was general editor of the blog.
Co-edited by Rishi Gulati, Thomas John and Ben Koehler, the
Gustavo Cerqueira and Hugues Fulchiron have recently edited a new volume (in French) on the appliation of foreign law in the draft code of French private international law (Le droit étranger dans le projet de code de droit international privé – Connaissance et applicationdroit). They have kindly provided us with the following English summary: […]
Gustavo Cerqueira, Nicolas Nord, and Cyril Nourissat have recently edited a new volume on the
The latest issue of RabelsZ has just been released. It contans the following articles: Horatia Muir Watt: Alterity in the Conflict of Laws. An Ontology of the In-Between [18th Ernst Rabel Lecture, 2022] [OPEN ACCESS], 433–464, DOI:
Caroline Sophie Rapatz, University of Kiel, has just published her German-language Habilitationsschrift on “European Union Private International Law – Role Model or Hegemony? Delimitations and Effects in Relation to National and International Conflict of Laws” (Das Internationale Privatrecht der EU – Vorbild oder Vormacht? Abgrenzungen und Wirkungen im Verhältnis zum nationalen und völkerrechtlichen Kollisionsrecht, Beiträge […]
The editors of the European Yearbook of International Economic Law (EYIEL) welcome abstracts from scholars and practitioners at all stages of their career for the EYIL 2024. This year’s Focus Section will concentrate on International and European Economic Law – Moving Towards Integration? In the General Section, the EYIEL will address Current Challenges, Developments and […]
Rishi Gulati, Associate Professor in International Law and Barrister, is hosting a new podcast series focusing on hot topics in international and transnational law, as well as domestic law developments with transnational impact. Significant developments impacting the legal profession are also discussed from time to time. The podcasts are not only designed for a legal […]
Professor Dr. Giesela Rühl, LL.M. (Berkeley) is currently seeking to fill three PhD positions at her Chair at Humboldt University of Berlin ( https://www.rewi.hu-berlin.de/en/lf/ls/rhl/index.html). The successful candidate should have a keen interest in issue of private international law, international civil procedure and/or civil procedure (including access to justice and digital justice). Since the positions come […]
The latest issue of RabelsZ has just been released. It contains the following contributions: OBITUARY Eva-Maria Kieninger, Ralf Michaels: Jürgen Basedow * 29.9.1949 † 6.4.2023, pp. 229–235, DOI:
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