Entries by Giesela Ruehl

Out now: New International Commercial Courts

Over the past two decades, various jurisdictions around the world have created new specialised domestic courts to resolve international commercial disputes. Located in the Gulf region (Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Qatar), in Asia (Singapore, China, Kazakhstan) and in Europe (Germany, France, the Netherlands), these courts enrich the current landscape of the resolution of international commercial disputes. […]

4-year PostDoc Position in European law at Humboldt University Berlin

The Law Faculty of Humboldt University is inviting applications for a four-year PostDoc position in European law. The position is fully paid and funded by the graduate research programme DynamInt (Dynamic Integration Order) which itself is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). The PostDoc is supposed to pursue her/his research project in the […]

Short-term PostDoc Position(s) at Humboldt University Berlin

The graduate resesarch programme DynamInt (Dynamic Integration Order) of Humboldt University is inviting international PostDocs to apply for a short-term (3 to 6 months), fully paid research stay in Berlin. The PostDoc is supposed to pursue her/his research project in the field of European Law. She/he is also expected to interact with the group of […]

RabelsZ 87 (2023): Issue 4

The latest issue of RabelsZ has just been released. It contains the following contributions: ESSAYS Mareike Schmidt, Kulturalität der Rechtsanwendung und internationale Rechtsvereinheitlichung – Überlegungen am Beispiel des UN-Kaufrechts, 643–671, DOI:

New issue alert: RabelsZ 87 (2023), Issue 3

The latest issue of RabelsZ has just been released. It contans the following articles: Horatia Muir Watt: Alterity in the Conflict of Laws. An Ontology of the In-Between [18th Ernst Rabel Lecture, 2022] [OPEN ACCESS], 433–464, DOI: