Entries by Giesela Ruehl

Research Projects on EU Law and ECJ Case Law in Civil Matters

Researchers from Latvia (Inga Kacevska, Baiba Rudevska, Arnis Buka, Students Martins Dambergs and Aleksandrs Fillers) are currently conducting two EU research projects (Project JUST/2013/JCIV/AG/4691): 1. “The European Court of Justice and the impact of its case law in the area of civil justice on national judicial and administrative authorities”. The aim of this research project […]

Conference on the Brussels I Recast

On 28 and 29 November 2014, the Verona University Department of Law will host a conference on “International Litigation in Europe : the Brussels I Recast as a panacea?”. The conference will take place in Verona. The conference language will be English. Registration is possible via email: chiara.zamboni_01@univr.it More information is available

Volume on German Case Law on Private International Law

The Max Planck Institute for Comparative and Private International Law has released the latest volume of its annual series on German case law in matters of private International law (“Die deutsche Rechtsprechung auf dem Gebiet des Internationalen Privatrechts”). Published by Mohr Siebeck it contains all private international law cases decided by German courts in 2012. More […]

Volume on Private International Law in Mainland China, Taiwan and Europe

Jürgen Basedow and Knut B. Pißler, both from the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg, have edited a book on “Private International Law in Mainland China, Taiwan and Europe”. The book has been published by Mohr Siebeck. The official abstract reads as follows: Over the last decades, private international law […]

Kühn on Imbalance in Joint and Several Debt in Private International Law

Anna-Lisa Kühn has authored a book on the imbalance in joint and several debt in private international law  (“Die gestörte Gesamtschuld im Internationalen Privatrecht. Am Beispiel einer Spaltung des Mehrpersonenverhältnisses zwischen deutschem und englischem Recht”). The book is written in German and has been published by Mohr Siebeck. The abstract reads as follows: Anna-Lisa Kühn […]

23 and 24 October: Conference on the recast Brussels I Regulation in Graz

On 23 and 24 October 2014 Bettina Nunner-Krautgasser and Thomas Garber, both from the University of Graz, will host a conference on the recast Brussels I Regulation (“Die neue EuGVVO – Verbesserung des Rechtsschutzes im Europäischen Binnenmarkt?”). The conference will take place in Graz (Austria). The conference language will be German. More information is available on the

Invitation to Tender: Study on the Service of Documents

The European Commission has published an invitation to tender relating to a study on the service of documents. The study shall analyze the Member States’ relevant provisions and practices and minimum standards. Deadline for submissions is 30 October 2014. More information is available