Entries by Giesela Ruehl

Volume on the Role of Consumer ADR and the Administration of Justice

Michael Stürner (University of Konstanz), Fernando Gascón Inchausti (Complutense University of Madrid) and Remo Caponi (University of Florence) have edited a volume on “The Role of Consumer ADR in the Administration of Justice” (Sellier European Law Publishers, Munich). It sheds light on the Directive on Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution – and […]

Latest Issue of RabelsZ: Vol. 78 No 4 (2014)

The latest issue of “Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht  – The Rabel Journal of Comparative and International Private Law” (RabelsZ) has recently been released. It contains the following articles: McGrath, Colm Peter, and Helmut Koziol: Is Style of Reasoning a Fundamental Difference Between the Common Law and the Civil Law? Renner, Moritz: Transnationale Wirtschaftsverfassung […]

Liber Amicorum for Hans Micklitz: Varieties of European Economic Law and Regulation

Kai Purnhagen and Peter Rott have edited a book entitled “Varieties of European Economic Law and Regulation”. Published by Springer and completely written in English the volume honors the work of Hans Micklitz, one of the leading scholars in EU economic law. The publisher’s official abstract reads as follows: This is the first book to comprehensively analyze […]

Rudolf Hübner on Foreign Law in German Courts

Rudolf Hübner has authored a book on foreign law in German courts (“Ausländisches Recht vor deutschen Gerichten Grundlagen und europäische Perspektiven der Ermittlung ausländischen Rechts im gerichtlichen Verfahren”. The volume is in German and has been published by Mohr Siebeck. The official abstract reads as follows: The ascertainment of foreign law is a classical procedural problem: it is […]

Conference Report: Minimum Standards in European Procedural Law

As reported earlier on this blog, Matthias Weller (EBS Law School) and Christoph Althammer (University of Regensburg) hosted a conference on “Minimum Standards in European Pocedural Law” in Wiesbaden on November 14 and 15. Here is a brief report. By Jonas Steinle, LL.M., Doctoral Student and Fellow at the Research Center for Transnational Commercial Dispute Resolution, EBS […]

Stefan Wrbka on European Consumer Access to Justice Revisited

Stefan Wrbka, Associate Professor for European and Comparative Private Law at Kyushu University, has authored a book on “European Consumer Access to Justice Revisited”.  Published by Cambridge University Press it will be out in late November. More information is available on the

Kurt Lipstein: Collection of Essays

Peter Feuerstein and Heinz-Peter Mansel have edited a “Collection of Essays” by Kurt Lipstein, a German law professor who emigrated from Germany to England in 1934. The English abstract reads as follows: This collection contains a selection of essays by the late Professor Kurt Lipstein, who emigrated from Germany to Cambridge in 1934. It focuses on […]

Bareiß on Conflicts of Obligations in the Transnational Taking of Evidence

Andreas Bareiß has authored a book on conflicts of obligations in the transnational taking of evidence (“Pflichtenkollisionen im transnationalen Beweisverkehr. Offenbarungspflichten im Zivilprozessrecht der USA und Offenbarungsverbote nach deutschem und europäischem Recht”). The book is in German. The English abstract reads as follows: Andreas Bareiß studies the legal position of German companies involved in an American pretrial […]