Entries by Apostolos Anthimos

Luxembourg Reports on European Procedural Law published

The two volumes of the Luxembourg Reports on European Procedural Law were published early this month. They are the fruits of an evaluation study of national procedural laws and practices in terms of their impact on the free circulation of judgments and on the equivalence and effectiveness of the procedural protection of consumers under EU […]

Applicable Law and Jurisdictional Agreement in European Union International Family and Succession Law

Dr. Marlene Brosch (Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law) recently published a book on Choice of Law Agreements and Jurisdictional Agreements in EU International Family Law and Succession Law.   Here is a brief overview provided by the author:   Choice of Law Agreements and […]

Recognition and Enforcement: 30 years from the entry into force of the Brussels Convention in Greece – A practitioner’s account –

I. Introduction It was the 3rd of March 1989, when an announcement was published in the Official Gazette of the Hellenic Republic, stating that the Brussels Convention would finally enter into force on April 1, 1989. Why finally? Because it took the state nearly a decade after the accession to the EC [1.1.1981] to activate […]

Admissibility of a reference for a preliminary ruling regarding the issue of a certificate under Article 53 of Regulation No 1215/2012: On the legal nature of the judgment delivered

Case C-579/17 BUAK Bauarbeiter-Urlaubs- u. Abfertigungskasse v GRADBENIŠTVO KORANA The CJEU published last week a judgment on a request for a preliminary ruling by the Vienna Labour and Social Security Court. The facts of the case are presented under recitals 21-31. The Austrian court referred the following question to the Court: ‘Is Article 1 of […]

Greece ratifies Protocol No. 16 to the European Convention on Human Rights

Following the signature of Protocol No. 16 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms on March 2, 2017, the Hellenic Republic proceeded yesterday to its ratification. Article 1 of Law 4569/2019 reproduces the English version of the Protocol, coupled with a Greek translation. Articles 2-4 regulate formal issues, such as […]

Recognition of Surnames in Greece – Where do we go from here? –

The recognition of surnames determined abroad by virtue of a judgment or an administrative act has never attracted the attention of academics in Greece. The frequency of appearance concerning reported judgments is also scarce. In practice however, applications are filed regularly, mostly related with non EU-Member States. Until recently, recognition was granted by courts of […]

Global Private International Law: Adjudication without Frontiers

Agatha Brandão de Oliveira, Senior Research Assistant at the University of Lucerne, brought to my attention a forthcoming publication bearing the above title. The official book launch will take place on February 7 in Paris The book was edited by: Horatia Muir Watt, Professor of Law, SciencesPo Law School, Paris, France, Lucia Bíziková, Trainee in […]