Entries by Apostolos Anthimos

Mutual Trust v Public Policy : 1-0

In a case concerning the declaration of enforceability of a UK costs order, the Supreme Court of the Hellenic Republic decided that the ‘excessive’ nature of the sum (compared to the subject matter of the dispute) does not run contrary to public policy. This judgment signals a clear-cut shift from the previous course followed both […]

6th Petar Sarcevic International Scientific Conference: “Intellectual Property Rights in the EU: Going Digital”, Zagreb, Croatia, 18-19 October 2019

The 6th Petar Sarcevic International Scientific Conference titled “Intellectual Property Rights in the EU: Going Digital” will be held in Zagreb, Croatia, on 18 and 19 October 2019. The conference is structured in three sessions and will gather EU and national judges, practitioners and academics to discuss current topics in copyright, trademarks and designs, along […]

Awaken the Guardian: UK damages for breach of a choice of court agreement violate Greek public policy

The Piraeus Court of Appeal refused recognition and enforcement of two English orders awarding damages for breaching a choice of court and a settlement agreement due to violation of the Greek procedural public policy. Apostolos Anthimos INTRODUCTION The ruling forms part of the famous The Alexandros T saga. It comes as the expected step forward, […]

Greek Commentary on the ESCP Regulation

The first Commentary on the Small Claims Regulation (861/2007) in Greece has just been published. The volume sheds light on all aspects of cross border small claims litigation within the EU, approaching the topic both from a domestic and an EU-case law viewpoint. The authors are the following: Prof. Arvanitakis (Aristotle University, Thessaloniki): Introduction, Articles […]

Hotel contracts and jurisdiction clauses before Greek courts

Dr Haris P. Meidanis – FCIArb, Meidanis, Seremetakis & Associates Law Firm, Athens, Greece A recent judgment of the Mytilene Court of First Instance raised a very topical issue, related to the acceptance of international jurisdiction by Greek Courts in the case of hotel contracts, nothwistanding the prorogation clause in favour of the court of […]

Expedited settlement of commercial disputes : The Commission’s Response

A Legislative initiative procedure which started nearly a year ago, is coming now to the next level: The European Commission has recently stated its position on the European Parliament non-legislative resolution with recommendations to the Commission on expedited settlement of commercial disputes. The response is featured in a document titled ‘Follow-up to the European Parliament […]