Seminar Series ERC project Building EU Civil Justice (online)


Starting Thursday, 6 May, the ERC Building EU Civil Justice team at Erasmus School of Law will organize a bi-weekly seminar. The series will cover a variety of topics in the field of European civil justice and zoom in on the key topics the ERC group has been working on over the past years. These include the privatization and digitalization of civil justice, cross-border judicial co-operation, international business courts, and self-representation. Each session will bring together invited speakers and one of the ERC researchers. To join us for one or more of these sessions, please register here over Eventbrite.

Thursday, 6 May (15:00-17:00)

The Role of Out-of-Court Justice in the European Enforcement Regime

Friday, 21 May (10:00-12:00)

Modernising European Cross-Border Judicial Collaboration

Friday, 4 June (10:00-12:00)

Digital Constitutionalism and European Digital Policies

Friday, 18 June (10:00-12:00)

The Arbitralization of Justice

Friday, 2 July (10:00-12:00)

Civil Justice Without Lawyers: Moving Beyond an Adversarial System of Adjudication

Friday, 16 July (10:00-12:00)

European Civil Justice in Transition: Past, Present & Future

The first seminar (Thursday, 6 May 15:00-17:00) will deal with the role of out-of-court justice in the European enforcement landscape. Invited speaker Fabrizio Cafaggi (Italian Council of State) will talk about the role of Article 47 EUCHR in shaping the European enforcement triangle (administrative, judicial and ADR). Betül Kas (Erasmus University Rotterdam) will reflect on the role of collective ADR by example of the Volkswagen litigation.

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