EU Becomes the First Party to Accede to the 2019 Hague Judgments Convention


Earlier this week, the Council of the European Union has adopted the decision for the EU to accede to the 2019 Hague Judgments Convention (which, in accordance with Art. 27(1) of the Convention, binds all Member States except Denmark). Once a second party either ratifies, accepts, or approves, or accedes to the Convention, it will enter into force one year after the deposit of the instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession by that second State (Art. 28(1)). More information is available here.

2 replies
  1. Mayela Celis says:

    Very interesting news. Just a quick note: while the EU has taken the decision to accede, it has not yet deposited its instrument of accession (or instrument of approval as it is usually the case for REIO) with the Depositary (the MFA NL). This international act is absolutely essential. Thus, it has not yet become the first State to accede to the HCCH Judgments Convention but it may indeed become the first State to accede in the (near) future (if no one files such an instrument before the EU).

  2. Tobias Lutzi says:

    You’re right; still, it’s the first party to formally decide to accede to the Convention.

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