WEBINAR: Impact in Quebec and in France of the new European Regulation on Successions


Invitation by Angélique Devaux, Notary

The “Chaire du Notariat” of the University of Montreal is organising a webinar on 17 March 2021 at 9am (EST) on the impact in Quebec and in France of the new European Regulation on Successions.

Through practical cases, the speakers will deal with the resolution and prevention of disputes in matter international successions between France and Quebec by taking into consideration the scope of the New European Regulations on matrimonial property regimes and on successions.


Julie Loranger, Notary, Montreal (Canada), BCF Avocats


Me Angélique DEVAUX, Notaire, Cheuvreux Notaires, Paris (France), LL.M American Law IUPUI Robert McKInney School of Law

Me Jeffrey TALPIS, Montreal University, Head of Chaire du Notariat, corresponding of CRIDON Lyon

Professor Emeritus Georges Khairallah, Université de Paris II Panthéon – Assas, consultant au CRIDON de Paris, droit international privé

To enrol, see the website of the Chaire du Notariat.