RiDoc 2018: Call for Abstracts


Following the successful international doctoral conference two years ago, the Faculty of Law in Rijeka is organising RiDoc 2018: Rijeka Doctoral Conference, to be held on 7 December 2018. The call for abstracts is available here and contains all the necessary details. It is important to note that the applications are welcome by 25 July 2018 and the results of the review will be known by 15 September 2018. Applications and any questions should be addressed to ridoc@pravri.hr.

The concept of ‘right of access’ under Brussels II bis encompasses grandparents


In the judgment C-335/17 of 31 May 2018, the CJEU confirms that the autonomous concept of ‘right of access’ under Brussels II bis Regulation encompasses the rights of access of grandparents to their grandchildren. Read more

The “Coman” Case (C-673/16): Some reflections from the point of view of private international law


Written by Dr. iur. Baiba Rudevska (Latvia)

On 5 June 2018, the ECJ rendered a judgment in the Coman case (C-673/16). For the first time the ECJ had the opportunity to rule, on the concept of ‘spouse’ within the meaning of the Directive 2004/38/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States (Directive 2004/38) in the context of a same-sex marriage. Even if the Directive only covers questions related to the entry and residence in the European Union (EU), this judgment could be of interest for Private International lawyers as well. Read more

International Business Courts – seminar and NCC update


As announced earlier the seminar Innovating International Business Courts, organized by Erasmus School of Law (ERC project Building EU Civil Justice), the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg, and the Montaigne Center of Utrecht University) will take place in Rotterdam on 10 July 2018. We have a great line-up of speakers and over 100 participants, including practitioners, academics, business representatives and policy makers from from all over Europe and beyond. During the drinks young researchers will do a poster presentation.

While the expectation was that the Netherlands Commercial Court (NCC) would open its doors on 1 July 2018 (see also the previous post), discussions in the Senate have caused delay. The discussions evolve around a number of issues, but most importantly the relatively high flat fee (compared to the fees of ordinary proceedings and for smaller companies/claims). Prof. Eddy Bauw, one of the founding fathers of the NCC, will update us on the 10th of July.

For more information and registratation click here; registration closes on 9 July at 9 a.m.

Job Vacancy at the University of Trier (Germany)


The Faculty of Law at the University of Trier is looking for a research fellow (Wissenschaftliche(r) Mitarbeiter(in)) at the Chair for Private Law, Private International Law and Comparative Law (Prof. Dr. Jens Kleinschmidt, LL.M. (Berkeley)) on a part-time basis (50 %) as soon as possible.

The position will be paid according to the salary scale E 13 TV-L, and the contract will be for an initial period of two years.

The research fellow will be given the opportunity to conduct his/her own Ph.D. project under the chairholder’s supervision (according to the applicable regulations of the Law Faculty). His/her tasks will include supporting the chairholder in research, teaching and administrative matters, an independent teaching obligation of 2 hours/week (in German) and pursuing his/her own Ph.D. project.

The successful candidate holds a first law degree (Erste juristische Prüfung) above average and has a particular interest in private law and the willingness to work in the research areas of the chair. A very good command of German and, in addition, English or French is required. Knowledge of another language or a stay abroad will be an asset.

Candidates with disabilities will be given preference in case of equal qualification. Applications by qualified women are particularly welcome.

If you are interested, please send your application (cover letter in German, CV, all relevant documents including transcripts and copy of law degree) by 31 July 2018 to: Professor Dr. Jens Kleinschmidt, Universität Trier, FB V – Rechtswissenschaft, 54286 Trier, Germany.

The job advert in full detail is available here.

From the editors’ desk: Construction zone ahead


Dear readers,

some of you might have noticed that we are currently working to improve conflictoflaws.net. If the site does not look the way it used to look like, that is why.

We do our best to keep the blog up and running while we are working on it, but ask for your understanding if once in a while things do not work out or do not look as expected. Thank you! Read more

New online service on International Arbitration


The publisher’s blurb is as follows:

“The Chinese perspective on The South China Sea Arbitration, is just one of the 40+ texts searchable on the new online service, International Arbitration.

The service is made up of content from three respected publishing brands (Hart Publishing, CH Beck-Nomos and Bloomsbury Professional). It provides access to materials by over 60 respected author names with the speed and convenience of online research.

International coverage in depth and breadth

The content covers a broad range of jurisdictions from arbitration centres all over the world including:

  • China
  • New York
  • Switzerland
  • Germany
  • The Middle East

Expert authors and contributors

Authors and contributors are drawn from leading firms and academic institutions, including:

  • Allianz SE
  • Gleiss Lutz
  • PriceWaterhouseCoopers
  • Herbert Smith Freehills LLP
  • Freshfields Bruckaus Deringer
  • Oxford University
  • University College London

Regional experts include Kun Fan on Arbitration in China and Reinmar Wolff on the New York Convention.

You can only fully appreciate the quality of International Arbitration by trying it for yourself. For more information, or to sign up for a free trial please visit http://www.bloomsburylawonline.com/internationalarbitration/



Out now: Festschrift in honour of Jolanta Kren Kostkiewicz


Although it is hard to believe in light of her vitality and prolific academic output, Professor Dr. Jolanta Kren Kostkiewicz (University of Berne, Switzerland) will actually retire at the end of the spring term 2018. On this occasion, many colleagues and friends both from Switzerland and abroad have contributed to a voluminous Festschrift in her honour which is published under the general heading “Civil procedure and execution in the national and international sphere – intersections and comparisons” (Alexander R. Markus/Stephanie Hrubesch-Millauer/Rodrigo Rodriguez [eds.], Zivilprozess und Vollstreckung national und international – Schnittstellen und Vergleiche, Stämpfli Verlag AG, Bern 2018, 858 pp., ISBN: 978-3-7272-2289-4, CHF 158). Read more

Symposium in honour of Professor Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler


The Law Faculty and the Department of Private International Law of the University of Geneva are organizing a symposium on international dispute settlement in honour of Prof. Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler. This event will take place on 27 September 2018 in Geneva. The organizers wish to celebrate Kaufmann-Kohler’s career as professor, arbitrator, counsel, researcher and director of research. Her colleagues, friends and former students will gather to celebrate this extraordinary lawyer whose talents and personality are recognized worldwide. Further information about the programme and details on registration may be found here.

Vacancy: Senior Research Assistant sought for global project on choice of law


Professor Daniel Girsberger of the University of Lucerne is seeking to employ a Senior Research Assistant to work on a global project on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts. The part-time position is funded by the Swiss National Research Fund (SNF), initially for a period of three years. It is envisaged that the successful candidate would work from the University of Lucerne (and/or Geneva).

The successful candidate will:

– be a lawyer
– have very good credentials
– have completed a doctoral dissertation or be an advanced doctoral candidate
– be multilingual: ideally a native (or otherwise an excellent) English speaker with excellent English writing skills, and with very good writing (and good speaking) skills in German and at least two other languages, such as French and Spanish
– have specific research and practical skills, experience and an interest in:
o private international law on a domestic as well as regional or global level
o (ideally) international arbitration
o international instruments in the area of commercial law (such as the CISG, UNIDROIT Principles, New York Convention 1958 and Hague Conference instruments)
– have very good practical skills in using legal databases (search and management of such databases) and electronic data processing
– be very well organized and have very good communication skills to communicate with legal academics from all over the world.

Enquiries and applications (CV and covering letter) should be directed to Daniel Girsberger: Daniel.Girsberger@unilu.ch.

Applications close on 31 August 2018.

A link to the advertisement on SSRN is available here.