Fourth Issue of 2012’s Revue Critique de Droit International Prive
The last issue of the Revue critique de droit international privé was just released. It contains five articles and several casenotes. A full table of contents can be found here.
In the first article, Paul Lagarde offers a survey of the 2012 succession regulation. Available abstracts are in French and German.
In the second article, Elise Ralser (University of La Réunion) discusses the issues raised by the existence of customary personal status in Mayotte island (Le statut civil de droit local applicable à Mayotte – Un fantôme de statut personnel coutumier). The English abstract reads:
The existence of customary personal status is protected by the Constitution of 4 October 1958, giving rise, within the French legal system, to a somewhat singular form of conflicts of laws. Distinct from international conflicts, internal conflicts of laws can still borrow the same methods, even if they do not always encounter the same limits. Both cases are a distributive exercise as between different rules, but the constitutional nature of internal conflicts of laws induces a different approach. Taking the personal status of Mayotte as an example, our study will describe the difficulties raised, both in the determination and in the implementation of applicable personal status in this context.
In the third article, Laurence Usunier (University Paris 13 Nord) discusses the decision of the French Supreme Court which ruled that Article 14 of the Civil Code does not raise any serious issue of compatibility with fundamental rights (La compatibilité de l’article 14 du Code civil avec les droits fondamentaux, une question dépourvue de caractère sérieux ?).
In the fourth piece, Horatia Muir Watt (Sciences Po Law School) offers thoughts on the Privy Council case La Générale des Carrières et des Mines v. F.G. Hemisphere Associates LLC (L’immunité souveraine et les fonds vautours).
Finally, Dai Yokomizo (Nagoya University) discusses in the last article the impact of the ratification by Japan of the 1980 Child Abduction Hague Convention (La Convention de La Haye sur les aspects civils de l’enlèvement d’enfants et le Japon).