Tag Archive for: German case law

Trending Topics in German PIL 2024 (Part 1 – Illegal Gambling and “Volkswagen”)

At the end of each year I publish an article (in German) about the Conflict of Laws developments in Germany of the last twelve months, covering more or less the year 2024 and the last months of 2023. I thought it would be interesting for the readers of this blog to get an overview over those topics that seem to be most trending.

The article focuses on the following topics:

  1. Restitution of Money lost in Illegal Gambling
  2. Applicable Law in the Dieselgate litigation
  3. The (Non-)Valitidy of Online Marriages
  4. New German conflict-of-law rules regarding gender afiliation / identity
  5. Reforms in international name law

I will start in this post with the two first areas that are mainly dealing with questions of Rome I and Rome II while in my follow-up post I will focus on the three areas that are not harmonized by EU law (yet) and are mainly questions of family law.