Tag Archive for: family law

EJN: Children from Ukraine — Civil Judicial Cooperation

The European Judicial Network on civil and commercial matters has just published information and resources relating to civil judicial cooperation in the context of children from Ukraine. The “Children from Ukraine — civil judicial cooperation” webpage is available on the e-Justice Portal in all EU languages and provides:

  • a summary of the legal rules that apply to judicial cooperation in cross-border cases involving Ukrainian children (i.e. questions of jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition of decisions, and cooperation between authorities);
  • relevant information on Ukrainian family law;
  • useful links and resources.

The information is intended for judges, lawyers, notaries, and central authorities, as well as child protection officials and others dealing with the registration of children arriving in EU Member States.

For more information, see the following link: https://e-justice.europa.eu/38593/EN/children_from_ukraine__civil_judicial_cooperation

HCCH|Approach Initiative – Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the 1996 Child Protection Convention

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the HCCH 1996 Child Protection Convention, the HCCH is pleased to announce the launch of the Advancing and Promoting the Protection of All Children (Approach) Initiative!

The HCCH|Approach Initiative will consist of a series of activities and events culminating in the HCCH|Approach Event, to be held online on Tuesday 19 October 2021. Information on registration and the programme of the HCCH|Approach Event will be made available in due course.

Leading up to the HCCH|Approach Event, the Permanent Bureau of the HCCH is organising two competitions: the HCCH|Approach Essay Competition, and the HCCH|Approach Media and Design Competition. Entries can be submitted up until Friday 1 October 2021, 5.00 p.m. (CEST).

More information on the HCCH|Approach Initiative and its competitions is available here.

This post is published by the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference of Private International Law (HCCH). 

The Final PSEFS Project Event on 20 & 21 October 2020

We have already reported on PSEFS, that stands for “Personalized Solution in European Family and Succession Law”, a co-funded EU Justice project, on two occasions: here and here.

On Tuesday 20 & Wednesday 21 October 2020 the project leader University of Camerino and its partners are organising the Final PSEFS Project Events to disseminate at the project results and discuss the pressing issues in the area of cross-border implications of couples’ property and succession. Rich programme includes many speakers from justice and academia. The event will take place online and participation is free of charge while registration is mandatory – here.

Most recent project outcomes include:
handbook available in 5 languages: M.J. Cazorla González, M. Giobbi, J. Kramberger Škerl, L. Ruggeri & S. Winkler (eds.), Property Relations of Cross-Border Couples in the European Union, Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2020.
model documents and guidelines for practitioners in 5 languages: M.J. Cazorla González, L. Ruggeri (eds.), Guidelines for practitioners in cross-border family property and succession law (A collection of model acts accompanied by comments and guidelines for their drafting), Dykinson, 2020.
Both are available via this link at the bottom of the page.

Conflicts – Between Domestic and Indigenous Legal Systems?

In Beaver v Hill, 2017 ONSC 7245 (available here) the applicant sought custody, spousal support and child support. All relevant facts happened in Ontario. Read more