Tag Archive for: choice of law

New Book on Rome II

Brill / Martinus Nijhoff has recently published The Rome II Regulation on the Law Applicable to Non-Contractual Obligations: A New International Litigation Regime.  The book is edited by John Ahern and William Binchy of Trinity College Dublin.  Full details of the book are available here.  It can be ordered through this link from the publisher or web sites like Amazon.

The book is the result of a conference held in Dublin in June 2008.  It contains fifteen chapters by authors from across Europe and North America.

Manitoba Law Reform Commission Releases Report on Private International Law

The province of Manitoba’s Law Reform Commission has released a report on Private International Law (available here).  It considers three central issues:

1.  Should legislation be adopted to modify the common law choice of law rule for torts as formulated in Tolofson v. Jensen?

2.  Should legislation be adopted regarding the characterization of limitation periods?

3.  Should Manitoba adopt the Uniform Law Conference of Canada’s model Court Jurisdiction and Proceedings Transfer Act?

A secondary question under the first issue is how similar the legislation should be to the English PIL(MP)Act 1995.