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Maastricht Private Law Lecture to be delivered by Prof. dr. Symeon C. Symeonides in October 2018

On Thursday 11 October 2018, the Maastricht Private Law Lecture, which is hosted by the Maastricht Department of Private Law, will take place at Maastricht University (Faculty of Law). This lecture will be delivered by Prof. dr. Symeon C. Symeonides and is entitled “The ‘Private’ in Private International Law”. An interactive seminar with PhD researchers will follow the next day. This event is open to everyone but registration is required and is free of charge. More information is available here.

Interested persons may also wish to read Prof. Symeonides’ excellent General Course given at the Hague Academy, which deals with this subject matter in greater depth: Symeon C. Symeonides, Private International Law: Idealism, Pragmatism, Eclecticism (General Course on Private International Law), Recueil des cours, tome 384, Brill/Nijhoff, Leiden/Boston, 2016 (see in particular Chapter IV pp. 100-130).

Registration for AMEDIP’s XLI Seminar entitled “Towards the Unification of Private International Law Principles in Mexican Procedural Law” is now open

Registration for the XLI Seminar organised by the Mexican Academy of Private International and Comparative Law (AMEDIP) is now open, please click here. For background information, please see my previous post here.

The Hague Conference releases new video: “HCCH: Connecting. Protecting. Co-operating.”

By the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law

During the solemn ceremony celebrating its 125th Anniversary, the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH) launched a new video “HCCH: Connecting. Protecting. Co-operating.”  In a visually appealing way, the video explains the work of the HCCH and the importance of the Organisation in a globalised world.