2024 Asia-Pacific Colloquium of the Journal of Private International Law (JPIL)


The 2024 Asia-Pacific Colloquium of the Journal of Private International Law (JPIL) will be held on 5-6 December 2024 at the Melbourne Law School of the University of Melbourne in Australia.

The format will be similar to previous colloquia where participants are requested to submit a paper for distribution in advance to other attendees. The colloquium will then take the form of a short presentation of each paper by each participant followed by a roundtable discussion. As with previous colloquia, the aim is to assist participants in preparing their papers for submission to the JPIL.

The theme of the 2024 Colloquium is ‘Private International Law: Domestic Law or International Law?’ While private international law forms part of a country’s domestic legal system, it has also been influenced by international developments, such as foreign decisions, scholarly writings, conventions and other transnational instruments. Participants are encouraged to consider topics in private international law that address this theme: for example, some areas have remained wholly domestic in nature while others reveal clear evidence of cross- border harmonisation. Is ‘internationalisation’ of private international law always achievable or desirable?

Please note that participants will be responsible for their travel to and accommodation in Melbourne for the colloquium. Lunch will be provided across the two days of the colloquium, together with a dinner on 5 December.

More information can be found here.

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