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Job Vacancy: PhD Position/Fellow at EBS Law School Wiesbaden, Germany

Professor Dr Robert Magnus is looking for a highly skilled and motivated PhD candidate and fellow (Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in) to work at the Chair for Civil Law, Private International Law and Civil Procedural Law, EBS Law School Wiesbaden, Germany, on a part-time basis (50%). The successful candidate holds the First German State Examination in Law. A […]

Out now: RabelsZ 83 (2019), Issue 2

The latest issue of RabelsZ has just been released. It focuses on “legal methodology” and contains the following articles: Reinhard Zimmermann, Reinhard, Juristische Methodenlehre in Deutschland (Legal Methodology in Germany), pp. 241 et seq The existence of a method, and thus also of a methodology, is very widely regarded as essential for an academic discipline. […]