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Awaken the Guardian: UK damages for breach of a choice of court agreement violate Greek public policy

The Piraeus Court of Appeal refused recognition and enforcement of two English orders awarding damages for breaching a choice of court and a settlement agreement due to violation of the Greek procedural public policy. Apostolos Anthimos INTRODUCTION The ruling forms part of the famous The Alexandros T saga. It comes as the expected step forward, […]

Dutta & Wurmnest: European Private International Law and Member State Treaties with Third States. The Case of the European Succession Regulation

In the last decade, the European Union has unified large segments of private international law for its Member States. However, existing treaties concluded by Member States with Third States enjoy priority over European private international law rules. This priority rule hampers the uniform application of EU law and creates friction with harmonised procedural rules. In […]

8th Journal of Private International Law Conference 2019 in Munich

Written by Christiane von Bary, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich The 8th edition of the biannual Journal of Private International Law Conference took place at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich from 12-14 September 2019, organized by Professor Anatol Dutta in cooperation with the editors of the journal, Professor Paul Beaumont and Professor Jonathan Harris. The call for papers by […]