

Standard (and burden) of proof for jurisdiction agreements

Courts are often required to determine the existence or validity of jurisdiction agreements. This can raise the question of the applicable standard of proof. In common law jurisdictions, the question is not free from controversy.  In particular, Stephen Pitel has argued

What is a Judgment (in the context of Reg 655/2014)? – CJEU Case C-291/21 Starkinvest

Less than half a year after the CJEU’s decision in Case C-646/20 Senatsverwaltung für Inneres (discussed


New Private International Law Article published in the Journal of the History of International Law

Yesterday, a new private international law open access article was published online in the Journal of the History of International Law. It is titled: León Castellanos-Jankiewicz,

25th Volume of the Japanese Yearbook of Private International Law (2023)

The Japanese Yearbook of Private International Law (kokusai shiho nenpo) (hereinafter “JYPIL”) is an annual publication of the

SYMposium and Conflict of Laws Workshop

Willamette University College of Law and the Conflict of Laws Section of the Association of American Law Schools are hosting a SYMposium to celebrate Professor and Dean Emeritus Symeon Symeonides on May 8-9, 2024. Professor Symeonides will retire from the Willamette University College of Law faculty in 2025. The SYMposium will celebrate both him as […]