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First Issue of Journal of Private International Law for 2022

The first issue of the Journal of Private International law for 2022 was released yesterday. It features the following articles:

M Lehmann, “A new piece in the puzzle of locating financial loss: the ruling in VEB v BP on jurisdiction for collective actions based on deficient investor information”

For the first time, the CJEU has ruled in VEB v BP on the court competent for deciding liability suits regarding misinformation on the secondary securities market. Surprisingly, the Court localises the damage resulting from misinformation on the secondary financial markets at a single place, that where the financial instruments in question were listed. This raises the question of how the decision can be squared with earlier cases like Kolassa or Löber and other precedent. It is also unclear how the new ruling applies to special cases like dual listings or electronic trading venues. Furthermore, the judgment is of utmost importance for the jurisdiction over collective actions by postulating that they should not be treated any differently than individual actions, without clarifying what this means in practice. This contribution analyses these questions, puts the judgment in larger context, and discusses its repercussions for future cases.

F Rielaender, “Financial torts and EU private international law: will the search for the place of “financial damage” ever come to an end?”

This article examines the private international law and substantive liability issues in tort claims against UK based parent companies for the actions of their foreign subsidiaries. Arguments drawn from private international law’s largely untapped global governance function inform the analysis and the methodological pluralism manifested in the jurisdictional and choice of law solutions proposed. The direct imposition of duty of care on parent companies for torts committed by foreign subsidiaries is examined as an exception to the bedrock company law principles of separate legal personality and limited liability. In this regard, the UK Supreme Court’s recent landmark decisions in Vedanta v Lungowe and Okpabi v Shell have granted jurisdiction and allowed such claims to proceed on the merits in the English courts. This article assesses these decisions and their significance for transnational corporate accountability. The post-Brexit private international law regime and its implications for the viability of tort claims against parent companies are examined.
In 1992, the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH) commenced the Judgments Project with the aim of delivering a convention harmonising rules of jurisdiction and recognition and enforcement of judgments. Despite the ambition and promise the project held, the first major attempt at delivering a convention, the 2001 Interim Text, was unsuccessful after it failed to gain consensus among the Conference’s Member States. The HCCH scaled back the Judgments Project to focus work on the 2005 Convention on Choice of Court Agreements and the 2019 Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments. However, the issue of jurisdiction has not been forgotten, with the Hague having recently established a Working Group to begin drafting provisions for a fresh attempt at the subject which hopefully will succeed where the Interim Text did not. The aim of this article is to explore the issue of how the proposed convention shall address conflicts of jurisdiction in international litigation. A conflict of jurisdiction will typically arise where the same proceedings, or related ones, come before the courts of several fora, or in one forum which considers another forum to be better placed to adjudicate the dispute. One solution to such conflicts is the, originally Scottish, doctrine of forum non conveniens, which allows a court discretion to decline to exercise jurisdiction on the basis that the appropriate forum for the trial is abroad or the local forum is inappropriate. This article argues for the inclusion of a version of forum non conveniens in the proposed jurisdiction convention to settle these conflicts when they arise. However, as there are many interpretations of what makes one forum more or less appropriate to hear a case than another, this article tackles the issue of how such a principle could be drafted to achieve consensus at the Hague Conference. Much of this analysis is based on the original 2001 Interim Text, and upon more modern cross-border agreements which utilise forum non conveniens.
Substituted service is an important and frequently used method to bring judicial documents to a defendant’s attention when service of process in the manner otherwise required by the civil procedure rule is impracticable. Between substituted service and the Hague Service Convention 1965 exists a tension: as the scope of substituted service expands, the application of the Convention shrinks. The tension predated the pandemic but has become increasingly acute as Australian courts have frequently been called upon to address when substituted service may be ordered to replace service under the Convention. Addressing this tension is significant but complex as it involves Australia’s international obligation to follow the Convention, a plaintiff’s legitimate expectation to quickly effect service of process, and a defendant’s fundamental right to due process. This paper is a digest of Australian private international law on substituted service. It provides timely proposals both at the domestic and international dimensions to address this tension.
The Article provides an insight into the development of the Russian rules of law concerning recognition of foreign judgments on personal status. The analysis reveals that initially the Russian (formerly Soviet) law did not include any specific provisions relating to recognition of foreign judgments on personal status. In this regard such judgments were recognised on the basis of the conflict of laws’ provisions of the Family and Civil Codes. In turn the current Article 415 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation addressing the recognition of foreign judgments on personal status and foreign divorces should be considered as a borrowing from the legislation of the former Socialist countries. The authors argue that the concept of “personal status” in Article 415 covers both foreign judgments affecting capacity and regarding filiation (kinship). Therefore, these foreign judgments shall be recognised in Russia in absence of an international treaty and without exequatur proceedings.

Update: 4th International Class Action Conference, Amsterdam, 30 June to 1 July 2022

Update from the organizers:

“Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors we are able to offer a limited number of participants a partial waiver of the conference. If you work in the not-for-profit sector (academia, ngo’s, judiciary or other government institutions) you can contact the conference bureau ( to check for eligibility. The reduced fee will be the same as the one for students and PhD fellows.”

For all those interested in the various aspects of collective redress, including cross border issues (in securities and competition cases), the 4th International Class Action Conference held as an on-site conference in Amsterdam provides an excellent opportunity to discuss current issues and share your own experiences. The international conference is co-organized, inter alia, by the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands), University of Haifa (Israel) and Tilburg University (The Netherlands) and described as follows:

4th International
Class Action Conference

Amsterdam, 30 June – 1 July 2022

On 30 June and 1 July 2022 the University of Amsterdam will host the 4th international class action conference. The conference is organized by a team from the University of Haifa, the University of Tilburg and the University of Amsterdam, in collaboration with several renowned institutions. The theme of this year’s conference is ‘From Class Actions to Collective Redress: Access to Justice in the 21st century’.

The Conference will bring together a diverse range of international expertise in collective redress. The conference is intended to act as a forum for the sharing of experiences and knowledge. In an increasingly interconnected world, such opportunities for international scholars and practitioners to come together and compare notes on the development of collective redress in their jurisdictions, are more relevant than ever.

For details on the programme and a full list of collaborators, please see 4th International Class Action Conference – Home (”

There are different registration fees for commercial participants (500 EUR) and academics/judges/NGOs (300 EUR) as well as a reduced charge for (PhD) students (75 EUR).


With this present issue, Lex & Forum enters its second year of publication. The first four issues of the previous year were dedicated to the fundamental and most current issues of European private/procedural international law: the judicial cooperation after BREXIT (1st issue), the impact of 40 years since Greece joined the European Union to the internal Procedural Law (2nd issue), the importance of private autonomy in European private/procedural international law (3rd issue) and the accession of the European Union to the Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters 2019 (4th issue). During the second year, the focus of the issues will now be shifting to individual disputes, influenced by European  procedural or private international law. The focus of the present issue refers to maritime differences, which are particularly important for our country. As data shows, while the population of Greece represents only 0.15% of the world population, the Greek-owned ships represent almost 21% of the world tonnage and 53% of the EU merchant fleet. Greek shipowners lead the world rankings in ship ownership with 17% for 2021, compared to colossal countries in terms of population and economy, such as China (15%) and Japan (12%) (data: IUMI 2021). Under these circumstances, maritime differences at the European and global scale are a particularly crucial chapter for our country’s economy and fully justify the involvement of this focus on this issue.

The ‘Praefatio’ of this Lex&Forum issue has the great honor of hosting the valuable thoughts of the former President of the CJEU (2003-2015), Prof. Vassilios Skouris, on the topic of mutual trust and recognition as key pillars of the European Union. The main topic of the issue (Focus) is dedicated to maritime disputes and was initially presented at an online event, on the 21st of February 2022, in collaboration with the most competent bodies on the subject, the Piraeus Court of First Instance and the Piraeus Bar Association (<>). The Focus in this issue incorporates the contribution of the Professor at the HSB Hochschule Bremen Ms. Suzette Suarez on arrest of ships in cases of environmental damages, the presentation of the Professor at  the University of Athens and Chair of the meeting Ms. Lia Athanassiou, regarding the treatment of foreign shipping companies by the Greek jurisprudence, and the ones of the Judges who served in the Mari­time Department of the Court of Piraeus, Mr. Antonios Alapandas, PhD, Judge at the Court of Appeal, on the special jurisdictional bases of maritime disputes, and Mr. Kyriakos Oikonomou, former Judge of the Supreme Court, on the choice of court agreements in maritime disputes, as well as the contributions of the Judge Mr. Antonios Vathrakokilis, on the applicable law to maritime privileges, and, finally, of Mr. Georgios Theocharidis, Professor of Maritime Law and Politics at the World Maritime University in Malmö, Sweden, on the International Convention on the ‘Judicial Sale of Ships’. Lex&Forum expresses its warmest thanks to the President of the Courts of First-Instance of Piraeus Council Judge Mr. Vassilios Tzelepis and the President of the Piraeus Bar Association Mr. Elias Klappas, as well as to all the rapporteurs for their honorable contributions.

The jurisprudence section of this issue includes the CJEU judgments, 15.7.2021, European Commission v. Poland, on the topic of national regulations restricting the independence of judges, with commentary by the scientific associate in the International Hellenic University Ms R. Tsertsidou, 7.5.2020, LG/Rina, on the concept of civil and commercial matters in case of an action against a ship classification and certification body under the authority of a third state, with a commentary by Dr. N. Zaprianos, 1.7.2021, UE, HC, on a European Certifi­cate of Succession of ‘indefinite time’, with commentary by Dr. S. Karameros, and 4.6.2020, FX/GZ, on international jurisdiction for the adjudication of the opposition against the execution of a maintenance claim, with commentary by the President of the Court of First Instance Mr. A. Vathrakokilis.

The national case law section features the following judgments:  Court of First Instance Piraeus No 3296/2020, on the appointment of an Interim Administration of a Shipping Company with a registered office abroad, with commentary by the PhD Cand. Ms. A. Lagoudi; Court of First Instance Korinthos No 1/2022, on the topic of parental care and maintenance of an out-of-marriage minor by parents of foreign citizenship, with commentary by Dr. G.-A. Georgiadis; Supreme Court decision No 1127/2020, on the applicable law on limitation periods in case of a lawsuit of an insurance company against a carrier, with commentary by Dr. A. Anthimos.

The issue includes as well the legal opinion of Professor Emeritus at the University of Athens Mr. Nikolaos Klamaris on the international jurisdiction of the Court of Piraeus (Department of Maritime Disputes) on a tort, committed in Piraeus by defendants based in Asia, while in the column L&F Praxis, the Judge Mr. Georgios Safouris presents the main practical problems of the referral questions to the CJEU within 11 Q&As.

Lex&Forum renews its scientific appointment with its subscribers for the next issue, focusing on the Internet and other emerging technologies within the EU and International legal order.