

Asser’s Enduring Vision: The HCCH Celebrates its 125th Anniversary

By the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law

On 12 September 1893, Tobias Asser, Dutch Jurist, Scholar and Statesman, realised a vision: he opened the first Session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH). Today, exactly 125 years later, the HCCH celebrates Asser’s vision and the occasion of this First Session with a solemn ceremony in the presence of his Majesty The King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands. Read more

The race is on: German reference to the CJEU on the interpretation of Art. 14 Rome I Regulation with regard to third-party effects of assignments

By Prof. Dr. Peter Mankowski, University of Hamburg

Sometimes the unexpected simply happens.  Rome I aficionados will remember that the entire Rome I project was on the brink of failure since Member States could not agree on the only seemingly technical and arcane issue of the law applicable to the third-party effects of assignments of claims. An agreement to disagree saved the project in the last minute, back then. Of course, this did not make the issue vanish – and this issues concerns billion euro-markets in the financial industry. Read more

German Supreme Court refuses to enforce Polish judgment for violation of the German ordre public

It doesn’t happen too often that a Member State refuses enforcement of a judgment rendered in another Member State for violation of the ordre public. But in a decision published yesterday exactly this happened: The German Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof – BGH) refused to recognize and enforce a Polish judgment under the Brussels I Regulation (before the recast) arguing that enforcement would violate the German public policy, notable freedom of speech and freedom of the press as embodied in the German Constitution. With this decision, the highest German court adds to the already difficult debate about atrocities committed by Germans in Poland during WW II.

The facts of the case were as follows:

In 2013, the ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen), one of Germany’s main public-service television broadcaster, announced the broadcasting of a documentary about the liberation of the concentration camps Ohrdruf, Buchenwald and Dachau. In the announcement, the camps Majdanek and Auschwitz were described as “Polish extermination camps”. Following a complaint by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Berlin, the ZDF changed the text of the announcement to “German extermination camps on Polish territory”. At the same time, the applicant, a Polish citizen and former prisoner of the Auschwitz-Birkenau and Flossenbürg concentration camps, complained to the ZDF claiming that his personal rights had been violated and demanded, among other things, the publication of an apology.

In 2013, the ZDF apologized to the applicant in two letters and expressed its regret. In spring 2016 it also published a correction message expressing its regret for the “careless, false and erroneous wording” and apologising to all people whose feelings had been hurt as a result. At the end of 2016, on the basis of an action he had brought in Poland in 2014, the applicant obtained a second instance judgment of the Cracow Court of Appeal requiring the ZDF to publish an apology on the home page of its website (not just anywhere on the website) for a period of one month expressing its regrets that the announcement from 2013 contained “incorrect wording distorting the history of the Polish people”. The ZDF published the text of the judgment on its home page from December 2016 to January 2017, however, only via a link. The applicant considered this publication to be inadequate and, therefore, sought to have the Polish judgment enforced in Germany.

The Regional Court Mainz as well as the Court of Appeal Koblenz declared the judgment enforceable under the Brussels I Regulation (Reg. 44/2001). The German Federal Supreme Court, however, disagreed. Referring to Article 45 Brussels I Regulation, the Court held that enforcement of the judgment would result in a violation of the German ordre public because the exercise of state power to publish the text of the judgment prepared by the Cracow Court of Appeal would clearly violate the defendant’s right to freedom of speech and freedom of press as embodied in Article 5(1) of the German Constitution (Grundgesetz – GG) as well as the constitutional principle of proportionality.

The Court clarified that the dispute at hand did not concern the defendant’s original announcement – which was incorrect and, therefore, did not enjoy the protection of Article 5(1) GG – but only the requested publication of pre-formulated text. This text – which the ZDF, according to the Cracow court, had to make as its own statement – represented an expression of opinion. It required the ZDF to regret the use of “incorrect wording distorting the history of the Polish people” and to apologize to the applicant for the violation of his personal rights, in particular his national identity (sense of belonging to the Polish people) and his national dignity. To require the ZDF to published a text drafted by someone else as its own opinion would, therefore, violate the ZDF’s fundamental rights under Article 5(1) GG. In addition, it would violate the constitutional principle of proportionality. The defendant had corrected the disputed wording “Polish concentration camps”, which had been available for four days, on the day of the objection by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland. Even before the decision of the Court of Appeal, the ZDF had personally asked the applicant for an apology in two letters and also published an explanatory correction message with a request for apology addressed to all those concerned.

The official press release is available here. The full German decision can be downloaded here.


HCCH Monthly Update: March 2023

Conventions & Instruments

On 1 March 2023, the 1993 Adoption Convention entered into force for Botswana. The Convention currently has 105 Contracting Parties. More information is available here.

On 8 March 2023, China deposited its instrument of accession to the 1961 Apostille Convention and Malta deposited its instrument of ratification of the 2000 Protection of Adults Convention during the meeting of the Council on General Affairs and Policy. The 1961 Apostille Convention, which has 124 Contracting Parties, will enter into force for China on 7 November 2023. The Convention is already in force in the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions of the People’s Republic of China. The 2000 Protection of Adults Convention, which has 15 Contracting Parties, will enter into force for Malta on 1 July 2023. More information is available here.

On 9 March 2023, the 1961 Apostille Convention entered into force for Pakistan. The Convention currently has 124 Contracting Parties. More information is available here.

On 20 March 2023, the 1961 Apostille Convention entered into force for Senegal. The Convention currently has 124 Contracting Parties. More information is available here.

Publications & Documentation

On 6 March 2023, the Permanent Bureau published the Practical Guide to Access to Justice for International Tourists and Visitors. More information is available here.

On 8 March 2023, the Permanent Bureau published the HCCH 2022 Annual Report. More information is available here.

Meetings & Events

From 7 to 10 March 2023, the Council on General Affairs and Policy (CGAP) of the HCCH met in The Hague, with over 450 participants joining both in person and online. HCCH Members reviewed progress made to date and agreed on the work programme for the year ahead in terms of normative, non-normative and governance work. More information is available here.

Among other important developments, during the meeting CGAP took the historic decision to adopt Spanish as an official language as of 1 July 2024, on which more information is available here. It also decided to recommend Dr Christophe Bernasconi to the Netherlands Standing Government Committee on Private International Law for the position of Secretary General, on which more information is available here.

On 22 March, the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific of the HCCH hosted the webinar “HCCH 1961 Apostille Convention – Application and Future Prospects in the Asia Pacific Region”.

Upcoming Events

Registrations are open for the conference “The HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention: Cornerstones – Prospects – Outlook”, which will be held in person on 9 and 10 June 2023 at the University of Bonn in Germany. More information is available here.

Invitation to Private International Law Career Talk: Faces in Private International Law

As the American Society of International Law Annual Meeting approaches, the ASIL Private International Law Interest Group (PILIG) warmly invites you to a career talk featuring professional development in Private International Law.

• 2:00 PM-3:00 PM ET, Thursday 30 March
Venue: Embassy,
Washington Hilton, 1919 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20009

Neale Bergman, Attorney-Adviser, Office of the Legal Adviser (L/EB), U.S. Department of State
Milana Karayanidi, Counsel, Orrick
James Nafziger, Professor of Law, Vice-Chair, International Law Association (ILA)
Rekha Rangachari, Secretary-General, New York International Arbitration Center
David Stewart, Professor from Practice, Georgetown Law

This panel of seasoned experts will share their experiences and offer advice concerning career paths in international and particularly private international law fields, in areas such as research, government related work, dispute resolution, international development, and legal information. A short networking session will be offered to participants to further engage with speakers after the panel discussion.

In addition, we invite PILIG members, PILIG newsletter editors, and PILIG friends to join us for a casual happy hour gathering at the McClellan’s Sports Bar located at the Washington Hilton. Please find event details below:

  • Happy Hour

4:00 PM- 5:00 PM ET, Thursday 30 March
Social & Networking Event
McClellan’s Sports Bar

No Host Bar
We hope to celebrate with you the conclusion of “pandemic years” while you enjoy ASIL’s excellent conference programs. We look forward to learning any PIL (and non-PIL) inspirations from you for the more exciting years to come. Everyone is welcome to stop by.

  • PILIG newsletter editors recruiting 

We also invite scholars, practitioners, and students to contact us to become a PILIG newsletter editor.

ASIL Private International Law Interest Group Co-Chairs

Shu Shang <>

Jeanne Huang <>

Dicey, Morris & Collins on the Conflict of Laws

The latest edition of Dicey, Morris & Collins on the Conflict of Laws, jointly edited by The Rt Hon. the Lord Collins of Mapesbury and Professor Jonathan Harris KC (Hon.), was published by Sweet & Maxwell in September 2022. First published in 1896, Dicey, Morris & Collins on the Conflict of Laws is in its 16th edition. The publisher provides the following description for this pre-eminent treatise on private international law.

Dicey, Morris & Collins on the Conflict of Laws is renowned worldwide as the foremost authority on private international law. It explains the rules, principles and practice that determine how the law of England & Wales relates to other legal systems. Its commentary, Rules and illustrations, with detailed reference to international conventions, legislation and case law, ensures it remains an indispensable tool for practitioners engaged in cross-border matters.
Across two volumes and a Companion Volume, it contains high-quality and detailed analysis. Volume 1 deals with general principles, the effects of withdrawal by the United Kingdom from the European Union, foreign affairs and the conflict of laws, procedural issues relating to international litigation, jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitration. Volume 2 deals with a number of specific areas of law. It addresses family law, property law, succession and trusts, corporations and insolvency and the law of obligations. A Companion Volume considers in greater detail the transitional issues arising from the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union and the relevant EU legislation in a number of key areas. 
Key Features 
    • Explains the rules, principles and practice that determine how the law of England and Wales relates to other legal systems. 
    • Volume 1 deals with general principles the effects of the withdrawal by the United Kingdom from the European Union, foreign affairs law, protective measures and international judicial cooperation, jurisdiction of English courts, recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and international arbitration. 
    • Volume 2 covers family law, property law, succession and trusts, corporations and bankruptcy, contracts, torts, unjust enrichment and equitable claims, and foreign currency obligations.
    • Includes a new Part containing detailed analysis of Foreign Affairs and the Conflict of Laws, including expanded coverage of important developments in this area.
    • Includes detailed treatment of the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements 2005.
    • Family law coverage includes important developments in respect of same-sex marriages, civil partnerships and surrogacy.
    • A Companion Volume explains in detail the transitional provisions relating to the withdrawal by the United Kingdom from the European Union and the relevant EU legislation in areas where those transitional issues will remain relevant for the foreseeable future, including on lis pendens, recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments, family law and insolvency.
New material in the Sixteenth edition:
The new edition addresses all key developments, international conventions, legislation and case law since publication of the 15th edition in 2012. It includes the following significant developments 
    • Full analysis of the effects of the withdrawal by the United Kingdom from the European Union.
    • Detailed coverage of the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements 2005.
    • Analysis of domestic legislation, including the Private International Law (Implementation of Agreements) Act 2020, important amendments to the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 and a number of key statutory instruments.
    • A new Part containing detailed analysis of Foreign Affairs and the Conflict of Laws, including expanded coverage of important developments in this area.
    • Covers important developments in family law, including in respect of same-sex marriages, civil partnerships and surrogacy.
    • Detailed analysis of the many decisions of the Supreme Court, Privy Council, Court of Appeal and High Court and in other parts of the United Kingdom, Commonwealth and other jurisdictions.
Companion to the Sixteenth Edition
The Companion Volume explains in detail the effects of the withdrawal by the United Kingdom from the European Union. It analyses the relevant transitional provision in the Withdrawal Agreement concluded between the United Kingdom and the European Union, as well as domestic legislation on transitional issues. It analyses the relevant EU law in areas likely to remain relevant for the foreseeable future, including in relation to lis pendens and the recognition and enforcement of judgments from EU Member States. It considers the relevant family legislation in the Brussels IIa and Maintenance Regulations. The Companion Volume also includes detailed coverage of relevant provisions of the recast Insolvency Regulation.

Further information is available here.