

Islamic Marriage and English Divorce – a new Decision from the English High Court

In England, almost all married Muslim women have had a nikah, a religious celebration. By contrast, more than half of them have not also gone through a separate civil ceremony, as required under UK law. The often unwelcome consequence is that, under UK law, they are not validly married and therefore insufficiently protected under UK law: they cannot claim maintenance, and they cannot get a divorce as long as the marriage is viewed, in the eyes of the law, as a nullity.

The government has tried for some time to remedy this, under suspicious gazes from conservative Muslims on the one hand, secularists on the other. A 2014 report (the ‘Aurat report’), which  demonstrated, by example of 50 cases, the hardships that could follow from the fact that nikahs are not recognized, found attention in the government party. An independent review into the application of sharia law in England and law, instigated by Theresa May (then the Home Secretary) in 2016 and published earlier this year, recommended to ensure that all Islamic marriages would also be registered; it also recommended campaigns for increased awareness.

Such steps do not help where the wedding already took place and has not been registered. A new decision by the High Court brings partial relief. Nasreen Akhter (who is a solicitor and thus certainly not an uneducated woman ignorant of the law) asked to be divorced from her husband of twenty years, Mohammed Shabaz Khan. Khan’s defense was that the marriage, which had been celebrated as a nikah in west London, existed only under Islamic, not under UK law, and therefore divorce under UK law was not possible. Indeed, up until now, the nikah had been considered a non-marriage which the law could ignore, because it did not even purport to comply with the requirements of English law. The High Court was unwilling to presume the lived marriage as valid. However, drawing at length on Human Rights Law, it declared the marriage void under sec 11 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 and granted the wife a decree of nullity. This has important consequences: Unlike a non-marriage, a void marriage allows a petitioner to obtain financial remedies.

The decision represents a huge step towards the protection of women whose Islamic marriages are not registered. It makes it harder for men to escape their obligations under civil law. At the same time, the decision is not unproblematic: it refuses recognition of an Islamic marriage as such, while at the same time, under certain conditions, treating it like a recognized marriage. In all likelihood, only registration will create the needed certainty.

The decision is here.

Much-awaited US Supreme Court decision has been rendered: Animal Science Products, Inc. v. Hebei Welcome Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

The decision is available here and further documentation is available here. I would also like to refer to previous posts by fellow editors here and here. The US Supreme Court held that: “A federal court determining foreign law under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 44.1 should accord respectful consideration to a foreign government’s submission, but the court is not bound to accord conclusive effect to the foreign government’s statements.”

In a nutshell, the US Supreme Court said that the weight to be given to foreign government statements depends on the circumstances of the case. In particular, it notes that “[t]he appropriate weight [a federal court determining foreign law should give to the views presented by a foreign government] in each case, however, will depend upon the circumstances; a federal court is neither bound to adopt the foreign government’s characterization nor required to ignore other relevant materials. No single formula or rule will fit all cases, but relevant considerations include the statement’s clarity, thoroughness, and support; its context and purpose; the transparency of the foreign legal system; the role and authority of the entity or official offering the statement; and the statement’s consistency with the foreign government’s past positions.”

One thing of note is that the US Supreme Court refers to Société Nationale Industrielle Aérospatiale v. United States Dist. Court for Southern Dist. of Iowa, 482 U. S. 522, which is a very important case in the context of the Hague Evidence Convention.

The concept of ‘right of access’ under Brussels II bis encompasses grandparents

In the judgment C-335/17 of 31 May 2018, the CJEU confirms that the autonomous concept of ‘right of access’ under Brussels II bis Regulation encompasses the rights of access of grandparents to their grandchildren. Read more


Call for papers: V Workshop Jean Monnet Network – BRIDGE in Sevilla

The Jean Monnet Network – BRIDGE project, cofunded by EU Erasmus+ Programme, and the Latin American Center of European Studies invite the academic community to submit scientific papers to the V Workshop Jean Monnet Network on “Private International Law in relations between the European Union and Latin America”, which will be held in hybrid format on April, 19th 2023, hosted by the Universidad de Sevilla, Spain.

The selected articles will be invited to publish in the Latin American Journal of European Studies or in the Collection of the Workshop.  The top two articles will also receive an award of EUR 250 each.

Those who are interested must submit the article by March, 24th 2023 to the email:

More information here.

EAPIL-BIICL Seminar on the Rome II Regulation

On 2 December 2022, from 4 pm to 5.30 pm (MET), the European Association of Private International Law (EAPIL) will hold a joint Seminar with the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL). The Seminar will focus on the review of the Rome II Regulation and will, in this context, shed light on the Study that was prepared in 2021 by BIICL and Civic Consulting to support the preparation of the Commission report on the Regulation’s application. The seminar will focus on general issues as well as a selection of specific subjects.


4.00 pm: Introduction – Overview of the Study

       Constance Bonzé, BIICL (UK) and Eva Lein, BIICL (UK)/University of Lausanne (Switzerland)

4.15 pm: Focus I – Financial Loss

       Xandra Kramer, University of Rotterdam (Netherlands)

4.25 pm: Focus II – Artificial Intelligence

       Martin Ebers, University of Tartu (Estonia)

4.35 pm: A View from Practice

       Marie Louise Kinsler, KC, 2 Temple Gardens, London (UK)

4.45 pm: Discussion

Participation and Registration

The Seminar will take place via Zoom. Registration is possible via this link. Registered participants will receive all necessary information one day prior to the event (i.e. on 1 December 2022).


The EAPIL (Virtual) Seminar Series wishes to contribute to the study and development of (European) Private International Law through English-language seminars on topical issues. It will provide an easily accessible and informal platform for the exchange of ideas – outside the bi-annual EAPIL conferences. At the same time, it will serve as a means for EAPIL members to connect with other EAPIL members and non-members.

Out Now! ‘Multi-Tier Arbitration Clauses: International Trends In Dispute Resolution’ by Anjali Chawla

About the Book

 Streamlining disputes has become imperative to reduce the judicial caseload. One may presume that resorting to arbitration or other forms of ADR when the parties wish to resolve their issues amicably might provide them with a speedier remedy. Considering that commercial disputes now are extensively complex and cumbersome, there arose a need for a more evolved dispute resolution mechanism that could cater to the needs of each contract or dispute in a customised manner. MTDR can aid in doing so. It entails successfully employing different kinds of ADR for the same dispute in case there is no resolution. However, MTDR comes with its fair share of issues, such as reservations amongst the parties, lack of rules governing such procedures, limitation period, lack of party cooperation and the non-binding nature of certain forms of ADR. These pertinent questions are merely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Multi-Tiered Dispute Resolution. The objectives of Alternative Dispute Resolution are saving time and reducing costs. At the end of the day, it is imperative to answer whether Multi-Tier Dispute Resolution is viable in achieving these objectives or if it will manifold the complexities involved in the process. Yet if there is even a possibility of settling disputes or at least parts of the dispute amicably, this concept is worth a chance. Despite the United Nations’ endeavours to promote uniform interpretations of the arbitration law worldwide, several nations have taken varying stands on the enforceability of certain dispute resolution procedures, calling for a study of the varying standards in different jurisdictions. For any dispute resolution mechanism to be effective, the codified law and the jurisprudence of a particular state need to be conducive to enforcing the process adopted by the parties. Thus, in-depth analysis and critical review of this subject’s laws and judicial pronouncements have been demonstrated. This book aims to assist the reader in overcoming the issues that one might face with MTDR in a wide range of jurisdictions to make this process of dispute resolution useful, effective and fruitful. The book covers MTDR in different jurisdictions like the UK, USA, France, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Germany, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and India. The functionality of any reform, particularly one that seeks to provide a multi-faceted solution, predominantly lies in the academic enrichment of the same. Policy and academia can only strengthen public awareness of Multi-Tier Dispute Resolution.

The Book is available for purchase on the Bloomsbury website using this link.

About the Author

Anjali is an Assistant Professor at Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University. Anjali holds an LL.M. in International Commercial Arbitration Law from Stockholm University (SU); and B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) degree from Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat (India). She is also a qualified lawyer at the Bar Council of India. She has also been advising domestic and international clients regarding commercial and civil disputes. Anjali is also acting as a Dispute Resolver (Mediator/Arbitrator/Conciliator) for various ODR platforms. Anjali sits on the Editorial Board of Legal Maxim and the Review Board of Syin & Sern.