Lecture on Private International Law and Voices of Children, organized in cooperation with ConflictofLaws.net

Online event

When making decisions, adults should think about how their decisions will affect children. Recent years have witnessed, in private international law cases and legislation, the protection of children is increasingly mingled with gender, indigenous issues, refugees, violence, war, surrogacy technology, etc. This is evidenced by the US Supreme Court 2022 judgment Golan v. Saada, the Australian case Secretary, Department of Communities & Justice v Bamfield, the 2023 German Constitutional Court decision, the Chinese Civil Codethe Australia Family Law (Child Abduction Convention) Amendment (Family Violence) Regulations 2022, and developments at the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH Children Conventions) and the United Nations (Convention on the Rights of the Child and its additional Protocols).

On this International Children’s Day, let us join this CAPLUS webinar in cooperation with conflictoflaws.net and American Society of International Law Private International Law Interest Group to hear voices of children in private international law.


  • Ms. Anna Mary Coburn

After 22-years of public service as a U.S. Department of State Attorney-Advisor for Children’s Issues as well as a USAID Regional Legal Advisor/Senior Advisor for Children/Youth in Conflict, Anna has transitioned to practicing international family law with a focus on child rights cases and issues.

  • Mr. Philippe Lortie

Philippe is co-head of the International Family and Child Protection Law Division at the Hague Conference on Private International Law Permanent Bureau and has more than 30 years’ experience in the field of child protection.

  • Dr. Miranda Kaye

Dr Miranda Kaye is an academic at the Faculty of Law in the University of Technology Sydney in Australia and a member of Hague Mothers, a project aiming to end the injustices created by the Hague Child Abduction Convention. She also has experience in the public service (Law Commission of England and Wales) and as a practicing solicitor (family law in the UK).

  • Professor Lukas Rademacher

Lukas is a Professor of Private Law, Private International Law, and Comparative Law in Kiel, Germany. He studied law at the Universities of Düsseldorf and Oxford, and received his PhD at the University of Münster. He wrote his postdoctoral thesis at the University of Cologne.

  • Ms. Haitao Ye

Haitao is a lawyer at the Shanghai Office of the Beijing Dacheng Law LLP specializing in marriage and family dispute resolution, family wealth inheritance and management. She is a former experienced judge in civil and commercial trials at the Shanghai Pudong New District People’s Court in China.


• Dr. Jie (Jeanne) Huang (Associate Professor at Sydney Law School, University of Sydney)


Thursday 1 June, 6-7.30pm AEST

(4-5.30am Washington D.C./9-10:30am London/10-11.30am the Hague/4-5.30pm Beijing)

Free admissions can be registered here.


This event is proudly co-presented by the Centre for Asian and Pacific Law at the University of Sydney, conflictoflaws.net and the American Society of International Law Private International Law Interest Group.

Pax Moot Court Competition Peter Nygh round: the results

The Peter Nygh Round (2023) of the Pax Moot court was held in Antwerp from 3 to 5 May – the preliminary days at the University of Antwerp and the semi-finals and finals at the Antwerp court.

This year saw the highest number of registered teams yet for the PAX Competition (37 teams). 28 teams made it to the oral rounds. 48 judges, lawyers and academics invited took up the role as judge in the competition.

The winner of the oral rounds was the University of Ljubljana, with the University of Vienna as runner-up. The teams of the University of Maastricht and Singapore Management University made it up to the semi-finals.

The University of Vienna won the prize for the best written memorials, with the University of Ghent in second place and the University of Sofia third.

Best pleader was Matej Iglicar (University of Ljubljana), followed by Maximilian Murtinger and in third place Gustav Kirchauer (both of the University of Vienna).

The European Commission co-funds the competition.

Next year’s Pax Moot court competition will take place from 24 to 26 April in Ljubljana.

The Digital Services Act (DSA) – International Aspects: Event on 17 May

On May 17th, 2023, the Department of Law  of the University of Urbino (Italy), will host an event titled “The Digital Services Act (DSA): International Aspects – Aspects Internationaux” co-organized with the Centre de recherche de droit international privé et du commerce international de l’Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas and the University of Malaga.

The DSA (Regulation (EU) 2022/2065), submitted along with the Digital Markets Act (DMA), has been approved on October 19th, 2022, and shall apply from February 17th, 2024. It will amend the Directive 2000/31/EC (Directive on Electronic Commerce) and introduce a wide-ranging set of new obligations on digital platforms regarding illegal content, transparent advertising and disinformation.

Confirmed speakers include Marie-Elodie ANCEL (Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, CRDI), Maria Isabel TORRES CAZORLA (University of Malaga), Basile DARMOIS (Université de Brest), Federico FERRI (Université de Bologne); Valère NDIOR (Université de Brest, IUF), Edoardo Alberto ROSSI (University of Urbino), Massimo RUBECHI (University of Urbino).

The main topics that will be discussed include the European legal framework within the DSA has been adopted, the conflict of laws methods, online content moderation, the cooperation between relevant national and European authorities and the available remedies in case of violation of the rights of users.

The event can be followed both face-to-face and remotely, on the Zoom platform.

See here for information about the program and how to register

Common Law Jurisprudence on Conflict of Laws

Sarah McKibbin and Anthony Kennedy (editors) recently published a book with Hart titled: Common Law Jurisprudence in Conflict of Laws. The blurb reads as follows:

This book presents a collection of leading common law cases in private international law ranging from the 18th to the 21st century. The cases traverse issues of jurisdiction, choice of law and the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. Questions of marital validity, domicile, foreign immovable property and choice of law in contract are just some of the topics that this collection examines. The ‘unusual factual situations’ of some 18th- and 19th-century English cases also reveal compelling human interest stories and political controversies worthy of further exploration.

Drawing on a diverse team of contributors, this edited collection showcases the research of eminent conflicts scholars together with emerging scholars from the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Ireland and South Africa.

Lecture on Globalization through the re-codification of property law?, organized in cooperation with ConflictofLaws.net

We are delighted to announce a lecture hosted by Matthias Weller at the University of Bonn in cooperation with ConflictofLaws.net. Professor Amnon Lehavi (Harry Radzyner Law School, Reichman University, Israel) is going to speak on ‘Globalization through the re-codification of property law?’.

The globalization of markets, technology, and interpersonal networks poses a growing challenge for national legal systems. Property law is traditionally considered a “domestic” field of law, not only because of its structural features (such as the in rem or numerus clausus principles), but also because it promotes cultural, economic, and social values. The decision if property law should be globalized also requires a choice among potential globalization strategies (how to do so). This lecture examines four globalization strategies: (1) soft law / private ordering; (2) conflict of laws; (3) approximation; and (4) supranationalism. It does so by comparing three types of assets: land, digital assets, and cultural property – which have all been dramatically affected by current processes of globalization, albeit in diverging ways. It is argued that different strategies of globalization, and corresponding forms of re-codification of national property laws, should be adopted for land, digital assets, and cultural property.

The event will take place on 17 May at 6.30pm at the Senate Hall of the University of Bonn; it can also be joined via Zoom. The flyer can be found here.

The Future of Cross-Border Parenthood in the EU – Webinars Approaching

As the series of webinars organised under the title The Future of Cross-Border Parenthood in the EU – Analysing the EU Parenthood Proposal starts this week (Wednesday!), we are pleased to share, for your convenience, the updated and final version of the program.

In the flyer attached you will also find the links for the registration, still open, and also accessible here.

Venezuela: Negative choice and UNIDROIT Principles in determining Law applicable to bill of exchange

by Claudia Madrid Martínez


On 17 March 2023, the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice issued a decision whereby it annulled a judgment on appeal and decided the merits of the case, which concerned a bill of exchange issued in Curaçao, binding Venezuelan citizens domiciled in Venezuela.

The interesting thing about this judgment is that the Civil Chamber set aside the reasoning of the court of appeals according to which, since there are no international treaties in force between Venezuela and Curaçao, and there are no rules on bills of exchange in the Venezuelan Act on Private International Law, the Inter-American Convention on Conflicts of Laws concerning Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes and Invoices should be applied by analogy and, consequently, “the Law of the place where the obligation was contracted” (art. 1), i.e., the Law of Curaçao, should be applied to the bill of exchange.

It should be noted that, on the one hand, the only Conventions in force for Venezuela regarding bills of exchange are the Inter-American Convention on Conflicts of Laws regarding Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes and Invoices, and the Bustamante Code. On the other hand, the Act on Private International Law does not establish rules on International Commercial Law, since —as stated in the Explanatory Memorandum— this matter must be developed within the Commercial Law itself in accordance with the general principles set forth in the Act on Private International Law.

In addition, Article 1 of the Act on Private International Law provides two tools to integrate the gaps in the Act and, in general, the gaps in the Venezuelan Private International Law system. This rule refers to analogy and to the generally accepted principles of Private International Law.

In the past, case law has admitted the application of treaties in force for Venezuela, but not for the other States involved in a specific case, either by analogy (Supreme Court of Justice, Political Administrative Chamber, judgment of 23 February 1981), or on the understanding that their solutions can be characterized as generally accepted principles of Private International Law (Second Court of First Instance in Commercial Matters of the Federal District and Miranda State, judgments of 29 February  1968 and 12 March 1970). Therefore, in this case, the arguments used by the court of appeal in analogically applying the Inter-American Convention were not erroneous.

The Civil Cassation Chamber, however, had another idea when it understood that the judge of appeal erred in the application of the Law of Curaçao to settle the case. Thus, the Chamber began by reaffirming the existence of “relevant foreign elements, such as the place of issuance of the bill of exchange, i.e., Curaçao, and the domicile of the parties involved in Venezuela”. The latter criterion, in fact, is not a foreign element, since it is located in the forum.

The Chamber then cites Article 1 of the Act on Private International Law, and concludes that there are no treaties in force, applicable to the case since Curaçao has not ratified any of the aforementioned treaties, and proceeds to the application of the domestic rules of Private International Law.

In particular, the Civil Chamber intends to determine, in the first place, the Law applicable to the form of the bill of exchange, which is why it resorts, rightly, to Article 37 of the Act on Private International Law, a rule that governs the form of all kinds of legal acts, which is perfectly applicable to bills of exchange, and also, as is well known, it establishes the locus regit actum principle in an alternative manner. Indeed, the rule allows the judge to choose between the Law of the place of conclusion of the act, which governs the substance of the act, and the Law of the domicile of the person doing the act, or of the common domicile of the persons doing the act.

Under Article 37, the choice of the connecting factor applicable to the specific case will depend on the favor validitatisprinciple, i.e., the judge must determine the Law applicable in order to favor the formal validity of the act. In this case, the Civil Chamber decided to apply the domicile criterion, without explaining why, although, basically, the reason can be intuited from the fact that the judge ended up applying Venezuelan law.

The Civil Chamber then begins its examination of the Law applicable to the merits and, in this regard, “finds it pertinent to bring up the provisions of Article 30 of the Act on Private International Law”, a rule that establishes the Law applicable to international contracts in cases where the parties have not chosen it. The nature of a bill of exchange can certainly be discussed, but it is not a contract.

In any case, the Civil Chamber does not justify its action, that is to say, it does not indicate the reason why a rule governing contracts should be applied to a bill of exchange. However, I do not know if this was consciously done, but it did leave out a series of points that are of great interest in the field of international contracts. Let us see.

The first thing the Chamber does is to identify, in accordance with Article 30 of the Law, the objective and subjective elements of the relationship, in order to determine with which Law the bill of exchange is more closely related and assumes for this purpose —although it does not quote it— the opinion expressed by Professor Fabiola Romero in her work “Derecho aplicable al contrato internacional” (in: Liber Amicorum, Homenaje a la Obra Científica y Académica de la profesora Tatiana B. de Maekelt, Caracas, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas, UCV, Fundación Roberto Goldschmidt, 2001, Volume I, pp. 203 ss.), understanding that the subjective elements refer to the parties and the objective ones to the relationship itself.

Thus, the Civil Chamber includes in the subjective elements the nationality and domicile of the parties —all located in Venezuela—; and, within the objective elements, the place of subscription of the bill of exchange —Curaçao—, the place of payment —understanding as such the place indicated next to the name of the drawee and located in Curaçao—, and the fact that the bill is intended to be enforced and performed in Venezuela.

Then, in accordance with the last part of Article 30 of the Act on Private International Law, according to which the judge “shall also take into account the general principles of International Commercial Law recognized by international organizations”, the Civil Chamber analyzes such principles. And it does so considering their so-called conflictual function, since in this case they will be used, not to settle the merits, but to search for the Law applicable.

However, the principles sought by the Civil Chamber are contained in international treaties. Firstly, the 1980 Rome Convention on the Law Applicable to International Contracts —now absorbed by the 2008 Rome I Regulation—, which refers to the closest links, but based rather on the questioned criterion of the characteristic performance. Secondly, Article 9 of the Inter-American Convention on the Law Applicable to International Contracts, rule that inspired the solution of Article 30 of the Act on Private International Law.

After reaffirming the application of the Law with which the bill of exchange is most closely connected, the Civil Chamber refers Article 31 of the Act on Private International Law, and understands that “in the event of a dispute regarding the Law to be applied, in the case of a contract or obligation of international origin, in the absence of a choice of Law by the parties or when it is ineffective, the judge shall apply ‘…when appropriate…’, that is, according to the specific case, the Lex mercatoria, which includes the usages, customs and commercial practices of general international acceptance”.

This rule leads the Chamber to consider the UNIDROIT Principles and it decides to apply them on the basis of the so-called negative choice —a discussed solution in the world of arbitration—, admitted by the Preamble of the Principles. Indeed, the Principles may be applied “when the parties have not chosen any law to govern their contract”.

Thus, the Civil Chamber ends up understanding that, in the absence of indication by the parties, in case of a monetary obligation, the place of performance will be “at the obligee’s place of business” (art. 6.1.6[1][a]).

“Now, considering the objective and subjective elements that are directly linked to the referred bill of exchange, as well as the general principles of International Commercial Law accepted by international organizations, the customs and manners of international trade, known as Lex mercatoria, according to Articles 30 and 31 of the Act on Private International Law, it is concluded that the Law applicable to the performance of the bill of exchange shall be the Law of the place of performance, it is concluded that the Law applicable to resolve the merits of the case is Venezuelan Law, given that the parties are Venezuelans, their domicile is in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the commercial instrument, although signed in Curaçao, is intended to be enforceable in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. It is hereby declared”.

The Civil Chamber applied Venezuelan Law to both the form and the substance of the bill of exchange. But there is more, when deciding on the merits, instead of following the solution of the UNIDROIT Principles and calculating interest according to the Law of the State of the currency of payment (art. 7.4.9), it did so instead “at the rate of five percent (5%) per annum, according to Article 456, ordinal 2° of the Venezuelan Commercial Code… for which the conversion into bolivars must be made at the rate established by the Central Bank of Venezuela for the day of payment, all this through a complementary expert opinion, in accordance with Article 249 of the Code of Civil Procedure and not as erroneously requested by the plaintiff, that is to say, calculated at the legal interest rates that have been fixed for each semester by the Central Bank for Curaçao and St. Martin (Centrale Bank Curaçao en Sint Maarten)” (bold in the original).

There are undoubtedly some noteworthy aspects of this decision that hopefully will be taken into account in the future in cases related to international contracting. Others, such as the characterization of a bill of exchange as a contract, the disregard of the possibility of applying international treaties by analogy or as general principles, and the calculation of interest on an international obligation, denominated in foreign currency, in accordance with Venezuelan Law, could rather be forgotten.


Translated by the author from her original post in Spanish.


Second Issue of ICLQ for 2023

Further to my  post on first view articles for the second issue of ICLQ 2023, the second issue for ICLQ for 2023 was just published. It contains the following conflict of laws article that was not included in the first view articles:

S Camilleri, “Sense and Separability”:

This article explores the doctrine of separability, as understood in particular in the English legal tradition. It does so by reference to the decisions in Sulamérica Cia Nacional de Seguros SA and others v Enesa Engelharia SA and others and ENKA ?n?aat ve Sanayi A.?. v OOO ‘Insurance Company Chubb’ & Ors that explore the relevance of the concept when determining the law applicable to the arbitration agreement. These decisions largely treat the doctrine as irrelevant to the determination of the law governing the arbitration agreement. They do so because of the way in which English law views separability as tied inimically to the concept of enforcement of the arbitration agreement. This is unsurprising given the content of section 7 of the Arbitration Act 1996 and the position of the doctrine of separability as a legal fiction that must be restricted to its defined purpose. Viewed against the potential reform of the Arbitration Act 1996, the author asks whether a broader view of separability can be adopted. The author’s view is that there are cogent and compelling reasons for adopting a broader view, that would promote certainty and consistency in a way that is not best served by the current approach.




Conference & call for papers Sustaining Access to Justice

Save the date

On 19-20 October 2023 a conference on ‘Sustaining Access to Justice: Developments and Views on Costs and Funding’ will be held at Erasmus University Rotterdam. The conference is organised by the project team Affordable Access to Justice, financed by the Dutch Research Council. Confirmed keynote speakers include Rachael Mulheron (Queen Mary University London) and Andreas Stein (European Commission, DG Justice and Consumers, head of unit). More information on the program and registration will follow soon.

Call for papers

For this conference we invite submissions of abstracts from early career researchers and young practitioners.

The conference’s theme: Access to civil justice is of paramount importance for enforcing citizens’ rights. At the heart access to civil justice lies litigation funding and cost management. Yet, over the past decades, access to justice has been increasingly put under pressure due to retrenching governments, high costs of procedure, and inefficiency of courts and justice systems. Within this context, the funding of litigation in Europe seems to be shifting from public to private. Private actors and innovative business models emerged to provide new solutions to the old problem of financial barriers of access to justice. With the participation of policymakers, practitioners, academics and civil society representatives from all over Europe, the conference seeks to delve deeper into the financial implications of access to justice and the different ways to achieve sustainable civil justice systems in Europe. The topics addressed will include the different methods of financing dispute adjudication, particularly in the context of group litigation (third-party funding, crowdfunding, blockchain technologies), public interest litigation, developments in ADR/ODR, and the new business models of legal professionals.

Call for Papers: During the second day of the Conference (20 October) a panel will be organised which is intended to function as a forum for young scholars and young practitioners to present their work in front of a distinguished and broad audience. We particularly invite Early Career Researchers, PhD candidates (at an advanced stage of their PhD), and young practitioners to participate and present their research on the conference’s topics and beyond. While the contributions should fall within the Conference broader topic (costs and funding of civil justice), authors are free to include matters they deem interesting to explore within this context. Proposals can be theoretical, empirical as well as policy oriented. Interdisciplinary approaches and/or a Law & Economics approach are especially encouraged.

Submissions and deadline: Please submit an extended abstract (max 1000 words) in English to dori@law.eur.nl and cordina@law.eur.nl on 7 July 2023 at the latest. Please include your name, affiliation, and a link to your research profile. Submissions will be selected based on quality, originality, interdisciplinarity and the capacity to incite fruitful debates. Accepted submissions will be notified on 30 July 2023 at the latest. The selected participants will be asked to submit their final manuscript in early 2024.

The organisers aim to include the best papers in the conference proceedings, to be published as an edited volume with a reputable publisher. Further details in this regard will be communicated in due time.

Funding for travel and accommodation is available for the selected authors.

The conference venue will be @ Erasmus University Rotterdam – Woudestein Campus. The conference is organised by Erasmus School of Law in the context of the VICI Project ‘Affordable Access to Justice’. More information at: http://www.euciviljustice.eu/.


Online Panel on May 8: Fundamental Rights and PIL after the decision of the German Constitutional Court on the Act to Combat Child Marriages (in German)

On Monday, May 8, 2023, the Hamburg Max Planck Institute will host its 33th monthly virtual workshop Current Research in Private International Law at 3:00 p.m.  5:00 p.m. (CEST). Deviating from the usual format there will be an online panel on

Fundamental Rights and PIL after the decision of the German Constitutional Court on the Act to Combat Child Marriages*

The panelist are Henning Radtke (Judge at the Constitutional Court),  Dagmar Coester-Waltjen (Professor emeritus for PIL at University of Göttingen), Susanne Gössl (Professor for PIL at University of Bonn) and Lars Viellechner (Professor for Constitutional Law at University of Bremen). The discussion  discussion will be in German.

After opening statements from the panelists, the discussion will be opened to the audience. All are welcome. More information and sign-up here.

If you want to be invited to these events in the future, please write to veranstaltungen@mpipriv.de.

* Information on the decision here.