Review of Ekaterina Aristova, Tort Litigation Against Transnational Corporations: The Challenge of Jurisdiction in English Courts, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024, 352 pp, hb £125

The book is based on Dr. Ekaterina Aristova’s PhD thesis, completed at the University of Cambridge and subsequently refined through postdoctoral research at the University of Oxford. The core content of the book spans eight chapters across 297 pages, excluding the preface, series editor’s preface, table of contents, and index. Read more

Review of Ronald A. Brand, Michael S. Coffee, and Paul Herrup, The 2019 Hague Judgments Convention, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023, 416pp, hb £125

Cover for The 2019 Hague Judgments Convention


The book by Brand, Coffee, and Herrup offers a thorough examination of the Hague 2019 Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments (commonly referred to as “The Hague Judgments Convention”). Concluded on July 2, 2019, the Convention currently has 31 Contracting States, including all 27 EU member states, the European Union, and Ukraine. Uruguay has signed and ratified the Convention, which will enter into force on October 1, 2024. The United Kingdom has ratified the Convention, with the Convention taking effect there on July 1, 2025.

Read more

UEA Law School’s Second Podcast Series on Transnational Law

Written by Rishi Gulati

After a highly successful first series, all episodes of UEA Law School’s Second Podcast Series hosted by Rishi Gulati are now available on leading platforms, including on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and SoundCloud. The second series consists of several interesting discussions on key transnational concerns with experts from around the world.

There are two episodes on climate change litigation. Tyndall Centre PhD researcher Millie Prosser and Friends of The Earth Lawyer and PhD researcher Acland Bryant are joined by the renowned environmental lawyer David Wolfe KC and Norwich-based climate litigator Dr Andrew Boswell to discuss the opportunities and limitations in UK climate change litigation in the context of judicial review, and Rishi Gulati is joined by Dr Dalia Palombo on the potential impact of the landmark April 2024 European Court of Human Rights climate change decisions on corporations.

In other episodes, there are conversations between the host and Mr William Rook on sports and human rights, with Dr Nikos Skoutaris on state secession, and with Dr Hansong Li on the history & current political climate of the Indo-Pacific.

The series also consists of recordings from two fascinating events. One of the episode presents the Earlham Law Lecture 2024 by  Professor Sarah Green, Law Commissioner for Commercial and Common Law “on the topic: Of Digital Assets and Sausages: Confessions of a Law Commissioner”. Another episode brings to listeners the launch of the Elgar Companion to the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law which includes remarks from Ms Anna Joubin-Bret,  Secretary of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, and Director at the International Trade Law Division of the Office of Legal Affairs at the United Nations. Finally, one of the episodes is a conversation between Rishi Gulati and Ms Kate Lister, London-based singer and song-writer, voice coach, and graduate of the Guildhall School of Music, on presentation skills and voice tips.

The third series will return in September 2024 with several more fascinating discussions!

Out now: RabelsZ, Volume 88 (2024), Issue 2

The latest issue of RabelsZ has just been released. It contains the following contributions which are also available open access:



Holger Fleischer, Heike Schweitzer: Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker – † 22 April 2024, pp. 215–222, DOI:



Klaus Ulrich Schmolke: Das Prinzip der beschränkten Gesellschafterhaftung – Ein Streifzug durch die Debatten- und Argumentationsgeschichte, pp. 223–277, DOI:

The Concept of Limited Shareholder Liability – A Walk Through History’s Debates and Lines of Argument. Today, the concept of limited shareholder liability is considered a core feature of the modern corporation. And indeed, limited liability has been continuously provided for in the corporate (and limited partnership) laws of western jurisdictions since the 19th century. However, limited liability is not such a matter of course as it is widely perceived today. Rather, it took tough disputes and hard-fought debates before the legislators of the major European jurisdictions of the time were able to bring themselves to provide for limited shareholder liability without tying it to prior state approval. Even after this breakthrough, the debate about the legitimacy and scope of limited liability flared up time and again. This is particularly true for the close corporation, in which the shareholders also exercise control over the management of the business. This article traces the historical dimension of the transnational debate and evaluates the arguments for and against limited shareholder liability that have been put forward over time. The insights gained thereby provide a basis for analysing and evaluating the currently revived criticism of limited shareholder liability.


Sandra Hadrowicz: Natural Restitution in a Comparative Legal Perspective –
An Underappreciated Remedy or an Unnecessary Relic?, pp. 278–306, DOI:

Natural restitution is one of the permissible methods for remedying damage in numerous legal orders. However, this form of compensation is much less frequently used in practice than monetary compensation. While monetary compensation is a universally found method of reparation in major legal orders, the issue is more complex when it comes to natural restitution. In some countries (e. g. England, France, the Netherlands), natural restitution is used only by way of exception, in specific cases. In others (e. g. Poland), despite the injured party being given the right to choose the method of reparation, natural restitution is very rarely requested by injured parties. Even more intriguingly, in jurisdictions where natural restitution is theoretically upheld as a principle – including Germany, Austria, Portugal, and Spain – its actual adoption by courts remains relatively rare. The question then arises: Have courts and victims come to undervalue natural restitution or even forgotten of its existence? Or, conversely, does it represent an obsolete or unnecessary element of compensation law?



Domenico Damascelli: Determining the Applicable Law in Matrimonial Property Regimes –
On the Interpretation of Article 26 Regulation (EU) No 2016/1103 in the Absence of Choice-of-law and Common Habitual Residence, pp. 307–324, DOI:

Wishing to remain faithful to the alleged principle of immutability of the law governing matrimonial property regimes, the literature interprets Art. 26 para. 1 Regulation (EU) No 2016/1103 such that if the spouses have their habitual residence in different States at the time of marriage, it is necessary to wait for a period of time to ascertain whether they will move it to the same State. If so, only the law of that State is to apply (retroactively); if not, one of the other two laws indicated in Art. 26 is to apply (once and for all). This position gives rise to uncertainty in the determination of the applicable law and is contradicted by literal, systematic and teleological interpretations of the Regulation, which show that, in the absence of a common habitual residence, the law governing the matrimonial property relationships is, depending on the circumstances, the one provided for in letters b or c of para. 1 of Art. 26. However, this law may change the moment the existence of a first common habitual residence is ascertained, regardless of whether it was established immediately, shortly, or long after the conclusion of the marriage.



María Mercedes Albornoz: Private International Law in Mexico’s New National Code of Civil and Family Procedure, pp. 325–354, DOI:

In June 2023, Mexico enacted a National Code of Civil and Family Procedure that includes private international law provisions on procedural matters. The adoption of this Code constitutes a landmark reform in the Mexican legal system, modernizing and, for the first time, unifying civil and family procedural laws across the country. The Code’s primary objectives are to streamline legal processes, enhance judicial efficiency, and promote consistency in civil and family litigation. This article contains a study of the main rules that adjust the goals of the Code to cross-border cases. Some of those rules introduce significant innovations compared with previous bodies of procedural legislation in force in Mexico. It sets direct rules for international jurisdiction as well as novel provisions on foreign law, rules on international cooperation and recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments, and provisions on international child abduction. Furthermore, the Code promotes digital justice and thus expressly allows and promotes the use of technological resources in international cooperation. All these rules are expected to improve access to justice in private international law cases.



Jürgen Samtleben: Mexiko: Nationales Zivil- und Familienprozessgesetzbuch 2023 (Auszug) [Mexico: National Code of Civil and Family Procedures 2023 (German Translation, Excerpt)], pp. 355–378, DOI:



As always, this issue also contains several reviews of literature in the fields of private international law, international civil procedure, transnational law, and comparative law (pp. 379–421).

ZEuP – Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht 3/2024

Issue 3/2024 of ZEuP – Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht has just been published. It includes contributions on EU private law, comparative law, legal history, uniform law, and private international law. The full table of content can be accessed here.

The following contributions might be of particular interest for the readers of this blog:

  • Die Europäisierung des internationalen Erwachsenenschutzes
    Jan von Hein on the proposal for a regulation on the international protection of adults: On 31.5.2023, the European Commission presented a proposal for a regulation on the international protection of adults. This proposal is closely intertwined with the Hague Convention on the international protection of adults. Therefore, the proposed regulation shall be accompanied by a Council decision authorising Member States to become or remain parties to the Hague Convention. The following contribution analyses the proposed regulation and its relationship with the Hague Convention.
  • Justizgrundrechte im Schiedsverfahren? – Pechstein und die Folgen fu?r die Handelsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit
    Gerhard Wagner and Oguzhan Samanci on human rights and commercial arbitration: Does the ECHR and the German constitution require public hearings in arbitral proceedings, provided that one of the parties had the power to impose the arbitration agreement on the other through a contract of adhesion? This article analyzes the potential implications that the Pechstein decision of the Federal Constitutional Court and ist precursor in the jurisprudence of the ECHR may have for commercial arbitration. The focus is on arbitration clauses in general business terms and in contracts with undertakings that occupy a dominant position in a specific market. The conclusion is that, despite the broad formula employed by the Federal Constitutional Court, the right to a public hearing should remain limited to sports arbitration.
  • Die Auslegung von EuGH-Entscheidungen – ein Blick aus der Gerichtspraxis
    David Ullenboom on the interpretation of CJEU decisions: This article examines the question whether a European methodology is needed to interpret judgments of the CJEU for judicial practice. It argues that judgments of the CJEU need to be interpreted in the same way as legal provisions and are therefore subject to a grammatical, systematic, genetic and teleological interpretation in order to determine their meaning for future legal cases.
  • Schweizerisches Bundesgericht, 8 June 2023, 5A_391/2021
    Tanja Domej
    discusses a decision of the Swiss Federal Tribunal on the recognition of the deletion of a gender registration under German law.

OUT NOW!! New Book on Private International Law in BRICS: Convergence, Divergence, and Reciprocal Lessons (Stellina Jolly and Saloni Khanderia eds)

Hart Publishing, Oxford, UK is proud to announce the release of Private International Law in BRICS: Convergence, Divergence, and Reciprocal Lessons co-edited by Dr. Stellina Jolly, South Asian University, Delhi, India, and Professor Saloni Khanderia, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, India. The book forms part of Hart’s prestigious Private International Law Series with Professor Paul Beaumont, University of Stirling, as its Series Editor.

Authored by leading scholars and practitioners in private international law, the chapters draw on domestic legislation and case law interpretations in each of these emerging economies. They cover a wide array of topics, including contractual and non-contractual obligations, choice of court agreements, and personal matters such as marriage, divorce, matrimonial property, succession, and surrogacy—all within the context of increased cross-border movement of people.

As the title suggests, this book explores the intricate landscape of private international law within the BRICS countries—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Divided into six sections, each part of the book offers a thematic analysis of core private international law-related questions and an in-depth examination of the reciprocal lessons each BRICS country can share concerning each of three core conflict of law issues – the international jurisdiction of courts, the applicable law and the effectiveness of foreign decisions (both judgments and arbitral awards) overseas.

This book serves as an invaluable comparative resource for governments, legislators, traders, academics, researchers, and students interested in the intricate legal dynamics at play within the BRICS nations. With the BRICS countries collectively representing around 42% of the world’s population and approximately 23% of global GDP, the need for enhanced legal cooperation and harmonization is more critical than ever. Over the past decade, cross-border interactions within the BRICS bloc and beyond have escalated significantly. However, the diversity in political, legal, economic, and social structures, coupled with the lack of geographical proximity and historical connections, has posed challenges to effective cooperation and the ability of BRICS to play a proactive role in global governance. The 15 BRICS Summits held between 2009 and 2023 have primarily focused on economic cooperation, particularly in trade, investment, foreign affairs, and innovation. While these areas are crucial, they cannot be viewed in isolation. Increased trade and cooperation inevitably lead to the movement of persons, goods, and services across national boundaries, raising important legal questions. For instance, economic cooperation that facilitates the movement of people also impacts personal relationships. Scenarios such as marriage, divorce, adoption, surrogacy, and inheritance across borders create complex legal challenges that require a robust understanding of private international law. Will a marriage or divorce be recognized in the home country? How will the nationality of a child born through surrogacy or adopted abroad be determined? These questions, though critical, have not yet been thoroughly examined in the context of BRICS.

Recognizing this gap, our book seeks to explore and analyze the role of private international law in fostering enhanced cooperation among BRICS countries. In pursuit of its objectives, the project draws lessons from various multilateral and supranational instruments operating under the HCCH – Hague Conference on Private International Law and in the European Union, renowned for pioneering clear, predictable rules to regulate international disputes through the unification of laws.

Details of the book as well as purchase options can be found here!

PhD/Research Assistant Position at the University of Hamburg

Professor Konrad Duden, Chair of Private Law, Private International Law and Comparative Law at the University of Hamburg, is looking to appoint a research assistant, with the option to work towards a PhD.

More information can be found here.

Review of Commercial Litigation in Anglophone Africa: The Law Relating to Civil Jurisdiction, Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and Interim Remedies, 2nd edition


The second edition of Commercial Litigation in Anglophone Africa: The Law Relating to Civil Jurisdiction, Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and Interim Remedies by Andrew Moran KC and Anthony Kennedy was published in December 2022. The blurb of the book reads as follows:

Commercial Litigation in Anglophone Africa details the broad framework of the private international law rules in operation in each of the sixteen Anglophone jurisdictions considered (Botswana, Gambia, Ghana, Eswatini, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe).

The authors identify and provide a refined explanation of the law to be applied as it relates to: (i) civil jurisdiction over commercial disputes involving a foreign element; (ii) the enforcement of foreign judgments; and (iii) the availability and nature of the interim remedies, in each of the sixteen jurisdictions addressed. The authors have also provided comprehensive coverage of the potential availability of an anti-suit injunction (in common law jurisdictions) or anti-suit interdict (in Roman-Dutch law jurisdictions). 

The first edition of the book was reviewed in the Journal of Private International Law (Okoli, 2020), South African Law Journal (Ordor, 2019) and Lloyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly (McParland, 2019). Overall, the reviews of the 1st edition of the book were very positive.

The preface to the second edition of the book notes several recent developments that have been taken into account. One recent development worth noting is the rise in the number of anti-suit and anti-arbitration injunctions in the English-speaking African courts of, for example, Ghana,[1] South Africa,[2] and Nigeria.[3] I also observe that the book incorporates about seventy new decided cases that were not utilised in the previous edition.

Overall, my impression of this book is positive. Practitioners interested in commercial conflict of laws in Africa will find this work very useful.

[1] The Attorney General v Cassius Mining Limited (Suit No CM/MISC/0568/2023), decided on 31 July 2023; Magna International Transport Ltd v Ghana Telecom Communications Co Ltd (Suit No: H1/227/2018), decided on 17 October 2019; Quantum Oil Terminals Ltd v International Finance Corporation, Suit No: Misc/00228/17 (Rulings of 8 January 2018 and 23 February 2018).

[2] Vedanta Resources Holdings Limited v ZCCM Investment Holdings PLC [2019] ZAGPJHC 250 (23 June 2019).

[3] Shell Petroleum Development Company Nigeria Limited v Crestar Integrated Natural Resources Limited (2016) 9 NWLR 300, 322; Zenith Global Merchant Limited v Zhongfu International Investment (Nig) FZE (2017) All FWLR 1837.  See also Ecobank (Nig) Ltd & Ors v Aiteo Eastern E and P Co Ltd & Anor (2022) LPELR-56994(CA).

Symposium for David McClean in Sheffield on 6 September

Verónica Ruiz Abou-Nigm (Edinburgh), Paul Beaumont (Stirling) and Jonathan Harris (KCL) are pleased to announce that Sheffield Law School will host a Symposium on 6 September 2024 to celebrate the scholarly work of emeritus professor David McClean CBE KC (Hon).

David has long been one of the leading Conflict of Laws (Private International Law) scholars in English law and across countries through the Commonwealth. For over six decades his authoritative work on Private International Law has been internationally recognised.

This Symposium will bring together colleagues and friends, from the UK and abroad, to celebrate David’s many contributions.

Keynote speakers: Lord Collins of Mapesbury, Hans van Loon, George Leloudas and Kisch Beevers. Chairs and Speakers: David McClean, Roxana Banu, Jonathan Harris, Campbell McLachlan, Verónica Ruiz Abou-Nigm, Jayne Holliday, Paul Beaumont, Abubakri Yekini, Alex Mills, Andreas Ruehmkorf, Auguste Hocking, and Daniel Wand.

This is an in-person event. It is open to all, subject to capacity, but registration is required. Please follow this link for more information about the event, including programme and registration.

Global Value Chains and Transnational Private Law Workshop at Edinburgh Law School – Report

By Zihao Fan (Ph.D. Candidate in Law, Peking University Law School)

The ‘Global Value Chains and Transnational Private Law’ workshop was successfully held at Edinburgh Law School in a hybrid format from June 23 to 25, 2024. This project is funded by the Law Schools Global League (LSGL), convened by Prof. Verónica Ruiz Abou-Nigm (Edinburgh Law School) and Prof. Michael Nietsch (EBS Law School). The workshop attracted scholars and researchers from 15 universities and institutions worldwide. Over two days, participants shared inspiring work in progress and engaged in discussions on how transnational private law influences and shapes global supply chains. During the workshop plans for the upcoming publication and dissemination were discussed. This overview aims to briefly summarise the research outcomes presented during the workshop (following the sequence of the presentations).

Morning Session on 24 June

Dr. Catherine Pedamon (Westminster Law School) and Dr. Simone Lamont-Black (Edinburgh Law School) first introduced a previous related workshop held in Edinburgh Law School on ‘Sustainability in the Food Supply Chain: Challenges and the Role of Law & Policy’. This project consists of contributions from a variety of legal and policy areas at the UK, EU, and international levels, focusing on the role of law (including commercial law, contract law, competition law, and corporate law) in resolving regulatory difficulties and opportunities in food supply chains, with a particular emphasis on sustainability and food security, therefore highly connected to the current project.

Afterwards, Dr. Pedamon and Dr. Lamont-Black also presented their research titled ‘Responsible Contracting in Agri-Food Supply Chains: Mitigating Power Asymmetries on the Road Towards Sustainability’. They pointed out that recent events like the Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, climate-related price instability, and inflation have severely impacted the global economy, creating an unprecedented food crisis. Complex food supply chains reveal power imbalances, with larger trading partners often imposing unfair practices on less powerful suppliers. This research aims to shed light on the issues surrounding governance gaps and the various challenges and opportunities that arise from private international law, examining UK domestic law pertaining to food supply relationships, taking the EU level regulation into account, and providing potential examples of its implementation.

Dr. Francesca Farrington (School of Law, University of Aberdeen) and Dr. Nevena Jevremovic (School of Law, University of Aberdeen) then presented their work titled ‘Private International Law and the Race to the Bottom in Labour Standards: The Case of Begum v Maran’, discussed the recent Court of Appeal case, Begum v Maran. They noted that the literature has generally focused on the unique arguments relating to duty of care, and the Court of Appeal’s conclusion that the claim was not fanciful – it illustrates that the Rome II Regulation does little to prevent a ‘race to the bottom’ in labour standards especially given that corporate liability was a rapidly expanding field of law. They also discussed the different results when courts adopting different characterization methods on business-related human rights (BHR) claims.

Dr. Sara Sanchez Fernandez (IE Law School, Spain) shared her research on ‘Civil Liability under the CS3D: International Jurisdiction Rules and Access to an Effective Legal Remedy’. She first introduced the background: the EU recently enacted the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D), which establishes due diligence responsibilities and civil consequences for violations of such obligations. The CS3D establishes rules for organizations’ risk-based due diligence requirements across their entire value chain. Her research centred on the assurance of access to Member State courts for CS3D-related issues, scrutinizing the interaction between CS3D, international jurisdiction in the Brussels I bis Regulation, and the foreign jurisdiction rules of Member States. She also explored the potential solutions for cases where entities are non-EU domiciled.

First Afternoon Session on 24 June

Prof. Toshiyuki Kono (Faculty of Law, Kyushu University) and Prof. Ren Yatsunami (Faculty of Law, Kyushu University) presented their work on ‘The Global Value Chain & Network Responsibility: The New Possibilities of Private Ordering’. They pointed it out that in recent years, policymakers and scholars from numerous disciplines have concentrated on mapping the outlines of the modern global value chain, with the concept of ‘network’ emerging as a repeating theme. They investigate the relevance of viewing networks as lenses through which better understand the GVC and its regulation, particularly in terms of human rights and environmental issues. Besides, they also examine the failure of the network and related legal responses, suggesting that a mixture of public and private norms, hard laws and soft laws should be considered as alternatives.

Prof. Carlos Vasquez (Georgetown Law School, US) then discussed his research on ‘Applicable Law in BHR Cases’. He focused on the applicable substantive law in BHR suits brought in developed countries (usually the home state of the defendant corporation) for injuries suffered in developing countries (the host state). He centred on both vertical and horizontal choice-of-law inquiries: ‘vertical’ refers to the decision-making process that involves choosing between international law and national (or subnational) law as the primary source of relevant law, while ‘horizontal’ refers to the decision between applying the legal system of the host country or the legal system of the home State.

Dr. David Capper (School of Law, Queen’s University Belfast) presented his research next, on ‘Procedural Aspects of Transnational BHR-Litigation’. Continuing with BHR cases he discussed how victims of tortious conduct by multinational corporations are seeking remedy against the latter in a Global North jurisdiction, with a focus on the UK. He illustrated the procedural mechanisms in the UK that are available for mass tort litigation of this kind and suggested that the Group Litigation Order (GLO) would be the appropriate mechanism in the majority of cases of mass tort litigation. Then he elaborated on several aspects of GLO, including group registers, case management, and costs. Finally, he suggested examining the Okpabi case to see how GLOs work.

Second Afternoon Session on 24 June

Prof. Irene-Marie Esser (School of Law, University of Glasgow) and Dr. Christopher Riley (Durham Law School) presented their research on ‘Groups and Outsiders in the Context of Tort and Human Rights Violations’, examining the challenges that arise in protecting the interests of ‘outsiders’ from corporate groups’ misbehaviour. They argued that regulations applied to individual ‘stand-alone’ companies suffer weaknesses when applied to corporate groups. By using the UK’s experience of enforcing human rights norms against groups and of applying tort law, they demonstrate the implications of an ‘enterprise approach’ for regulation.

Dr. Catherine Pedamon (Westminster Law School) shared her work in progress on the French duty of vigilance. The French Loi de Vigilance has been enacted for seven years, yet its first decision was rendered on 5th December 2023. It still appears to be in the initial stages of development, not only due to its groundbreaking nature but also the obstacles to enforcement. She then shared some key preconditions on the applicability, the public availability of a vigilance liability plan, compensation for damages due to the companies’ failure to comply, etc. She also introduced the recent developments in the related cases in France.

Prof. Michael Nietsch discussed his research, ‘Corporate Accountability of Multinational Enterprises for Human Rights Abuses – Navigating Separate Legal Entity and Attribution under Delict’, elaborating the growing interest in corporate accountability for human rights violations in the German judicial system. In contrast to the UK, Germany has seen few incidents of damages lawsuit with the implementation of statutory due diligence procedures under the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act 2021 (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG). Nonetheless, legal academics continue to discuss the basis for corporate liability for human rights violations under German private law, as well as the proper standards of care that arise as a result. This is a fundamental issue in German delict law and the separation of legal entities. He argued that the LkSG has ruled out private liability based on a violation of the Act’s due diligence criteria while allowing such liability on other grounds, which adds to the complexity.

At the end of the day, Dr. Juan Manuel Amaya Castro (Faculty of Law, University of the Andes, Colombia) presented his work on ‘Global Value Chains with a Human Face’. He discussed the definition of social traceability from a legal perspective and its requirements, purpose, and reasons for tracing a particular good in the supply chain. He then explained how traceability is mandated in due diligence and reporting legislation, pointing out that practices including auditing and certification, feedback loops, administrative guidelines, and civil liability standards should be considered.

Morning Session on 25 June

Dr. Biset Sena Güne? (Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg, Germany) started the day with her research, ‘Harmonisation of Private International Law Rules to Promote Sustainability in Global Value Chains?’. She elaborated that the role of private international law is frequently constrained concerning sustainability. In most cases, the ability to reach a truly sustainable outcome is dependent on the applicable private legislation. When this is the case, it is difficult to justify the need for harmonisation of current private international law standards without simultaneously focusing on uniform private law regulatory remedies. Nonetheless, she suggested that the need for harmonisation of private international law standards governing corporate social responsibility should be explored further and proposed a comparative approach for that further research.

The morning session on 25 June also discussed the plans for the upcoming publication and the dissemination conference to be held in Germany in 2025.

In summary, the workshop enabled fruitful discussion of work-in-progress and shared insights on the complexities of global value chains and the role of transnational private law. Key topics included sustainability, corporate accountability, and legal frameworks affecting global supply chains. The project successfully fosters international collaboration amongst and beyond LSGL researchers, nurturing comparative and interdisciplinary approaches. Participants gained a deeper understanding and ideas to take the research forward to address regulatory and coordination challenges in furthering sustainability in global commerce.