Entries by Matthias Weller

Saint Petersburg State University: Call for papers on Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments: Problems and prospects

By Andrey E. Zuev, Saint Petersburg The modern period of the development of civilization is known to increasingly impart the character of imperativeness to the principle of cooperation between states, transforming its initially basically declarative formula of relations between states into an imperative content, fixed as obligations of the states to ensure the right to […]

ECJ, judgment of 7 May 2020, C-641/18 – Rina, on the concepts of ‘civil and commercial matters’ and ‘administrative matters’ under Article 1 Brussels I Regulation

Today, the ECJ decided in case C-641/18 –  LG and Others v. Rina SpA, Ente Registro Italiano Navale, on the concepts of ‘civil and commercial matters’ and ‘administrative matters’ under Article 1 Brussels I Regulation. The case arose from the following facts: 14      LG and Others — relatives of the victims and survivors of the sinking of […]

Germany’s Approach to Cross-border Corporate Social Responsibility of Enterprises: Latest Developments

by Marie Elaine Schäfer The cross-border expansion of EU companies’ economic activities not only leads to a globalised market, but also impacts human rights as well as the environment in countries worldwide. The recent rise of claims against EU companies for the violations committed by their subsidiaries located in third countries is a by-product of […]

Opinion of AG Szpunar on “civil and commercial matters“ according to Article 1(1) Brussels I bis Regulation in Case C-73/19 – Movic

Today, AG Szpunar delivered his Opinion on the request for a preliminary ruling from the hof van beroep te Antwerpen (Court of Appeal of Antwerp, Belgium) on the interpretation of “civil and commercial matters“ according to Article 1(1) Brussels I bis Regulation. The question was (para. 1o): “Is an action concerning a claim aimed at […]

Child abduction in times of corona

By Nadia Rusinova Currently large increases in COVID-19 cases and deaths continue to be reported from the EU/EEA countries and the UK. In addition, in recent weeks, the European all-cause mortality monitoring system showed increases above the expected rate in Belgium, France, Italy, Malta, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. It is not unreasonable to […]

The HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention: Prospects for Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters between the EU and Third Countries – Conference on 25 and 26 September 2020, University of Bonn, Germany – Final Programme

Dear CoL Readers, While we are all deeply concerned about the still growing dimensions of the coronavirus pandemic, we did not want to give up working on the programme of our conference. Thanks to the HCCH, the Bonn PIL colleagues and our distinguished speakers, there is now a fantastic programme we would like to bring […]