Entries by Tobias Lutzi

Conference: Fundamental Rights in Private International Law – Present and Future in South Africa, Belgium, and The Netherlands

We are happy to share the following information on a conference organised by Robin Cupido (University of Cape Town), Benedikt Schmitz (University of Groningen), and Michiel Poesen (KU Leuven), which will be held in Leuven, Belgium, and online on 16 June 2022 (languages: Dutch and Afrikaans), with funding provided by Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht. The conveners […]

Call for Papers: SLS Conflict of Laws Section, King’s College, London, 2022

The convenors of the SLS Conflict of Laws section, Lauren Clayton-Helm and Bobby Lindsay, would be delighted to receive abstract submissions from conflictoflaws.net readers, emphasising that there is an option to present virtually on the 8th September, with the 9th September reserved for in-person papers at Kings College, London. They have kindly shared the following […]

Call for Abstracts: The Protection of Economically and Socially Weaker Parties in South African, Dutch, Belgian, and EU Private International Law

Robin Cupido (University of Cape Town), Benedikt Schmitz (University of Groningen), and Michiel Poesen (KU Leuven) will be hosting a conference on Taking Stock of Globalisation: the Protection of Economically and Socially Weaker Parties in South African, Dutch, Belgian, and EU Private International Law, which will be held on 16/17 June 2022 in Leuven, Belgium, […]

Out Now: Gömann on the Internal Conflict-of-Laws Regime of the GDPR

Since 2016, the European General Data Protection Regulation has been one of the most popular topics of discussion, academic and otherwise. While the PIL discussion has mostly focused on the unilateral conflicts rule in Article 3 of the Regulation, which defines its “external” scope of application, some scholars – like Martina Mantovani