The Conflict-of-Laws Provision in the French Influencer Legislation
by Ennio Piovesani Certain EU Member States have enacted special rules governing the activities of content creators and influencers. In this context, the French legislature passed
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But we are proud to say that Tobias Lutzi contributed 156 entries already.
by Ennio Piovesani Certain EU Member States have enacted special rules governing the activities of content creators and influencers. In this context, the French legislature passed
The latest issue (1/2024) of The European Legal Forum features a series of comments on the
Issue 2/2024 of ZEuP – Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht has just been published. It includes contributions on EU private law, comparative law, legal history, uniform law, and private international law. The full table of content can be accessed
On 12 September 2024, the Centre de droit comparé, européen et international (CDCEI) and the Centre du droit de l’entreprise (CEDIDAC) at the Université de Lausanne are hosting the 6e Journée de droit patrimonial international. The conference will focus on the EU Succession Regulation (no. 650/2012) and the section on international successions of the Swiss […]
Ekaterina Aristova (Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, University of Oxford) is the author of the ‘Tort Litigation against Transnational Corporations: The Challenge of Jurisdiction in English Courts’ (OUP 2024), which has just been published in the Oxford Private International Law series. She has kindly shared the following summary with us.
On 14 and 15 February 2025, the 5th Conference for Young Researchers in PIL will take place at Heidelberg University. It will be dedicated to the topic of ‘Digital transformation and Private International Law. Local connections in boundless spaces’ and feature a keynote speech by Christiane Wendehorst (University of Vienna). After statute theory, Savignyan PIL […]
On 7 and 8 November, the European Legal Studies Institute (ELSI) at the University of Osnabrück, Germany, is hosting a conference on “Enforcement of Rights in the Digital Space”. The organizers have kindly shared the following
We have kindly been informed that a limited number of places remains available at the conference on Informed Consent to Dispute Resolution Agreements on 20 and 21 June in Bremen, which
On 20 and 21 June 2024, Gralf-Peter Calliess and Nicholas Mouttotos (Institute for Commercial Law, University of Bremen) will convene a conference on ‘Informed Consent to Dispute Resolution Dispute Agreements’ in Bremen. They have shared the following announcement with us: Dispute Resolution Agreements (DRA) are a very special kind of contract. They allow parties to […]