Conflict of Laws Panel at the AALS Conference in New Orleans, Jan 4, 2019
The American Association of Law Schools will hold its
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Ralf Michaels contributed 149 entries already.
The American Association of Law Schools will hold its
For the second time, the
In England, almost all married Muslim women have had a nikah, a religious celebration. By contrast,
France is a state., by contrast, is a domain name, and it was, until recently, owned not by the French state but instead by a Californian company,, Inc. That conflict is now being litigated in a fascinating dispute reminiscent of the early days of the internet. In those early days, in 1994 to […]
A saga that has kept Malaysians engaged for years has finally founds its conclusion. A woman, named (rather improbably, at least for European observers) Indira Gandhi, was fighting with her ex husband over custody. The ex-husband had converted to Islam and had extended the conversion to their three children, with the consequence that the Syariah courts […]
For a limited time (one week), the
The Apostille Handbook was originally published in the official languages of the Hague Conference, English and French, and is also available in Greek, Spanish, and Vietnamese. All language versions are available
On December 21, 2017, the Japanese Supreme Court