Entries by Marta Requejo

Amendment of Annexes to Brussels I

Commission Regulation (EU) No 156/2012 of 22 February 2012 amending Annexes I to IV to Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters has been published today (see

Katia Fach on Arbitration

Dr. Katia Fach (Universidad of Zaragoza) is author of “Rethinking the Role of Amicus Curiae in International Investment Arbitration”, to be found in 35 Fordham International Law Journal 510, and also

Schooling in Cuba, Payment from Spain and the Helms Burton Act

The schooling of two children in the École Française of La Habana, Cuba, costs $ 1054 every three months; an amount that the father of the kids was willing to pay. However, the amount never reached destination. In September 2011, a Spanish national ordered payment by means of bank transfer from Novagalicia Banco in La Coruña […]

Vacancies at the BIICL

The British Institute of International and Comparative Law is one of the leading independent research centres for international and comparative law in the world. Its research, events and publications are based on deep scholarly knowledge and strong practical experience that can be applied to many situations. It seeks to make an impact around the world […]

Licari & Janke on Punitive Damages

F.X Licari is maître de conférences at the University of Metz; B.W. Janke works as associate in Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC, New Orleans. A new article on punitive damages and the Fountaine Pajot ruling (see related entries following this) has just been published on SRRN, entitled “Enforcing Punitive Damages Awards in France after Fountaine […]

López de Tejada on the Abolition of Exequatur

María López de Tejada holds a PhD in law from the University of Paris II with a thesis on the abolition of the exequatur procedure. She has recently published an article on the topic in the Spanish journal La Ley (Diario La Ley, Nº 7766, Sección Tribuna, 30 Dic. 2011). Here is a summary of the […]

Another Comment on Aguirre Pelz

Dr. Mónica Herranz, full time Professor of Private International Law at the National Distance Education University in Madrid (Spain), has just published a paper on the ECJ ruling Aguirre Pelz (C- 491/10 PPUU), under the title “El control por el juez de origen de las decisiones dictadas en aplicación del artículo 42 del R. 2201/2003: el asunto […]