Entries by Marta Requejo

As for Shell…

Four Nigerian farmers, aided by the Dutch branch of Friends of the Earth, have managed to prosecute the multinational Shell for polluting the Niger Delta between 2004 and 2007. Today the case has been declared admissible by a civil court in The Hague, i.e., in a different country and continent to the alleged dumping, and […]

Latest on the Ecuador/Chevron Lawsuit

Two days ago, the US supreme court denied a bid by Chevron to block the $19bn Ecuadorian judgment issued in February 2011 against the company in a pollution case. The case is Chevron Corp v. Naranjo et al, U.S. Supreme Court, No. 11-1428 (

Spanish Decision on the Proof of Foreign Law

Many thanks to Nicolás Zambrana, Assistant professor. University of Navarra, Spain A very recent decision issued by a Court of First Instance in Madrid presents a slightly new turn of the screw in the issue of the proof of foreign law before Spanish tribunals. The facts are as follows: in 1997, Mr X, of Moroccan […]

Brussels I (Recast)

For the latest amendments of the European Parliament to the Commission’s Proposal, dated 25 September 2012, click

International Child Abduction and the Importance of Speaking Catalan

Today’s Boletín Oficial del Estado publishes Spain’s acceptance of the accession of Andorra to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction; it will enter into force on 1 November 2012. That’s how I’ve learnt about Andorra’s first reservation to the Convention: Reservation relating to article 24. In accordance with the provisions […]

PIL and Human Rights In Europe

Professor Zamora Cabot (University of Castellón) has just published “Derecho Internacional Privado y Derechos Humanos en el Ámbito Europeo” in

Article IV, Paragraph 2 of the New York Convention on Arbitration

Confirming Switzerland’s reputation as an arbitration-friendly forum, the Swiss Supreme Court has recently opted for a flexible and pragmatic interpretation of the New York Convention, admitting that in certain circumstances, a party seeking enforcement in Switzerland of an award issued in English may be exempt from producing a certified comprehensive translation of the entire arbitral […]

Clara Cordero on Kate Provence Pictures

 Clara Cordero Alvarez teaches Private International Law in Madrid (Universidad Complutense). She has written her PhD on the protection of the right to honour, to personal privacy and image.              Nowadays, almost all the people around the world have already heard something about the new scandal that has arisen concerning the British royal family: the topless […]

Optional Common European Sales Law, Private International Law and Uniform Sales Law (article)

Maud Piers  (Professor at the Civil Law department, Ghent University), and Cedric Vanleenhove (Assistant and Ph.D Researcher at the Private International Law department, Ghent University), have published Another Step Towards Harmonization in EU Contract Law: the Common European Sales Law on SSRN. The article has also been published in Contratto e Impresa / Europa (Italy) 2012/1, […]