Entries by Marta Requejo

The UNCITRAL Rules on Transparency in Investor-State Treaty-based Arbitration

Many thanks to Ana Koprivica, research fellow of the MPI Luxembourg In July 2013 the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) adopted the Rules on Transparency in Investor-State Arbitration. The Rules shall enter into force on 1st April 2014 and apply to all investor-state disputes initiated under UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules pursuant to international […]

La responsabilidad de las multinacionales por violaciones de derechos humanos (book)

One of the most significant trends in the evolution of human rights protection is the increasing role of NGO´s, such as International Amnesty or Human Rights Watch, that have undertaken monitoring and evaluation tasks. Unfortunately, another trend has to do with private actors, specially multinational corporations, acting as agents or accomplices of violations of human rights and the […]

Tribunal Constitucional, 27 January 2014: Joinder of Claims and Fundamental Right of Citizens to Effective Judicial Protection

On the 27 January 2014 the Spanish Constitutional Court (Tribunal Constitucional) has issued an important decision in the context of collective proceedings brought before the Audiencia Nacional regarding the liability of the Spanish public administration (AENA and Ministerio de Fomento) in the air traffic controllers’ case in 2010- The Tribunal Constitucional has upheld the appeal […]

International Seminar on Private International Law (Program)

Patricia Orejudo Prieto (Universidad Complutense, Madrid), informs me that the program of the new edition of the International Seminar on Private International Law organized by Prof. Fernández Rozas and Prof. de Miguel Asensio, May 8-9, 2014, is ready. This will be the main speakers and presentations: Thursday Hans Van Loon (former General Secretary, the Hague Conference): Private International […]

Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, 2013 (2)

The second issue for 2013 of the Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, has been recently published. It contains articles and a section of “varia” (shorter comments and casenotes) in Spanish, Italian and English, addressing trendy topics and case law of interest for Private International Law as well as for International Civil Procedural Law. The table on […]

First IALP-MPI Post-Doctoral Summer School on European and Comparative Procedural Law

The first IAPL-MPI Post-Doctoral Summer School on European and Comparative Procedural Law, organized by the International Association of Procedural Law (IAPL) and the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law, will take place in Luxembourg between the 20th and the 23rd of July 2014, under the direction of Professor Loïc Cadiet […]

The SDNY Grants Google’s Motion to Dismiss the Google Book Search Case

 Many thanks to Cristina Mariottini, Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute Luxembourg After eight years of intense litigation, on November 14th, 2013 the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York granted Google’s motion to dismiss The Authors Guild, Inc., et al. v. Google Inc., also known as the Google Book Search Case. […]