Entries by Marta Requejo

Mennesson v. France, ECtHR 26.06.2014

I happened to be in France when I heard the news about the ECtHR finding  against France in Menesson v. France, on surrogate motherhood. The Court considered established a violation of Art. 8.1 ECHR as regards the twin daughters of the couple. Here is a resumée of the case (together with a similar one, Labassee v. […]

Justice Council Backs Commission’s Proposal on Cross-Border Insolvency

Last Friday the national ministers in the Justice Council backed the Commission’s proposal to modernise European rules on cross-border insolvency. The proposal (with some amendments) had been accepted by the European Parliament in February 2014 by an overwhelming majority (580 for, 69 against and 19 abstentions). The Justice Council has essentially accepted the Commission text; […]

Symposium in Memory of Giuseppe Tarzia at the MPI Luxembourg

Many thanks to Felix Koechel (MPI Luxembourg) for the hint. The Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law will host a symposium in memory of Giuseppe Tarzia (28.12.1930 – 23.2.2005), Professor emeritus at the Università degli Studi di Milano, on 9 May 2014.  On this occasion the personal library of Giuseppe […]

New Papers on Business and Human Rights

“Business, Human Rights And Children: The Developing International Agenda”, by O. Martin-Ortega and R. Wallace, has been published in The Denning Law Journal 2013, vol 25, pp 105 – 127. The following excerpt illustrates the contents: “The instruments analysed in this article are part of an important trend: the development of a comprehensive response to the […]

Scoreboard Favors Chevron

For those who are not yet aware -the news has been immediately published in national and local newspapers all around the world- yesterday a US federal judge ruled in favor of Chevron Corp., saying that the $9.5 billion environmental judgment in Ecuador (the Lago Agrio saga: for background and developments see

Athlete Trapped Between Arbitration and Courts

On February 26, 2014, the Regional Court of Munich rejected the lawsuit of the well known German speed skater Claudia Pechstein. Although the Regional Court decided that arbitration clauses for athletes are invalid because athletes are “forced” to sign them if they want to participate in sport competitions, she nonetheless dismissed the case on the […]