Entries by Marta Requejo

Antisuit Injunctions by Arbitral Tribunal and Recognition: Opinion of AG Wathelet

The Opinion of AG Wathelet on C-536/13, Gazprom, referred by the Lietuvos Aukšciausiasis Teismas, was delivered yesterday  and reads as follows: (1)      Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters must be interpreted as not requiring the court of a Member State to […]

Dealing with Diversity in International Arbitration

We are pleased to announce a forthcoming TDM special issue on “Dealing with Diversity in International Arbitration.”  This Special Issue will analyse discrimination and diversity in international arbitration. It will examine new trends, developments, and challenges in the use of practitioners from different geographical, ethnic/racial, religious backgrounds as well as of different genders in international […]

Recent Case Law of the ECtHR in Family Law Matters

The ERA (Trier) proposes a conference on recent case law of the ECtHR in family law matters, in Strasbourg, 18-19 February 2015.  Participants will have the opportunity to attend a hearing of the Grand Chamber. The spotlight is centered on Article 8 (respect for family life) in conjunction with Article 14 (prohibition of discrimination) and […]

ADR & ODR in the EU- Joint Conference ERA&MPI Luxembourg

2015 will be a landmark year for the debate on ADR & ODR. The Directive on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) will have to be transposed into national legislation by 9 July 2015; the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform will become operational six months later. The conference, jointly organized by the ERA and the MPI Luxembourg […]

To steward or not to steward, that is the question

Some thoughts on the ATS by James Armstrong. James has been working internationally as a business process coordinator responsible for a major Oil and Gas company since 2000 in countries such as Korea, Angola, Malaysia and more recently Papua New Guinea. He is currently working as an advisor, and completing an LLM on international law with a focus […]

International Seminar on Private International Law, Madrid 2015

The 9th International Seminar on Private International Law promoted by Professor Fernández Rozas and Professor De Miguel Asensio (University Complutense, Madrid), has been scheduled for May 22 next year. This edition’s speakers will be, among others, Prof. Burkhard Hess (Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law), Bertrand Ancel (Université Paris II), Franco […]

TDM Special Issue on the CETA – Call for Papers

The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between the European Union and Canada, CETA, is one of the three landmark agreements – the others are the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – that will shape world trade and investment in the XXI century. Negotiations were launched in 2009 and a […]

On Punitive Damages (Book)

Punitive damages have been the topic of much discussion, both  by Civil Law and Private International Law scholars. In December 2014 this monograph on them by L. Meurkens will be available, also to be bought on line . Lotte Meurkens (30 August 1982) is a private law teacher and researcher at Maastricht University in the […]

Revista de Arbitraje Comercial y de Inversiones, 2014 (3)

The last issue of Arbitraje. Revista de Arbitraje Comercial y de Inversiones, 2014 (3), has just been released. Although contributions are in Spanish, most provide for an abstract in English; I reproduce them below. The Journal also offers a section on recently published texts concerning arbitration, case law (Spanish and foreign), as well as news […]