Entries by Marta Requejo

Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional Privado (New Volume)

Volume XIV-XV of the Spanish journal Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional Privado, AEDIPr, devoted to international civil procedural law and private international law, is about to be released. It contains the following sections: Estudios, in Spanish with a summary in English. This volume includes studies authored by B. Hess, M. Requejo Isidro, L. D’Avout, M. Pertegás Sender, F. […]

Commercial Choice of Law in Context: Looking Beyond Rome (article)

A new article by Dr. Manuel Penadés Fons, London School of Economics, has been published at the Modern Law Review, (2015) 78(2) MLR 241–295. Abstract English courts are frequently criticised for their flexible approach to the finding of implied choice and the use of the escape clause in the context of the Rome I Regulation/Convention on […]

Schlosser/Hess EuZPR

The fourth edition of the EU-Zivilprozessrecht: EuZPR by Prof. Peter Schlosser and Prof. Burkhard Hess, updated and thoroughly reworked, has just been released. The book is an answer to a well-known fact : in a ever-closer European Union mutual recognition and enforcement of judgments in the individual Member States is becoming increasingly important. In this […]

25th Meeting of the GEDIP, Luxembourg 18-20 September 2015

Last weekend the GEDIP (Group européen de droit international privé / European Group for Private International Law) met in Luxembourg. The GEDIP defines itself as “a closed forum composed of about 30 experts of the relations between private international law and European law, mainly academics from about 18 European States and also members of international […]