Entries by Gilles Cuniberti

Related Actions and Jurisdiction Clauses

On 19 June 2008, the Supreme Court of Luxembourg for private and criminal matters (Cour de cassation) delivered a judgment in an interesting case involving related actions and a jurisdiction clause. The related actions were pending before Belgian and Luxembourg courts. Bonds had been issued by a Luxembourg financial institution and sold by a Belgian […]

Fourth Issue of 2008’s Revue Critique de Droit International Privé

The fourth issue of the Revue Critique de Droit International Privé was just released. It contains two articles. Unfortunately, none of them comes with an abstract in English. The first is a presentation of the Rome I Regulation by emeritus Professor Paul Lagarde and Aline Tenenbaum, who lectures at the Faculty of Law of Paris […]

First Issue of 2009’s Journal du Droit International

The first issue of French Journal du Droit International (also known as Clunet) will shortly be released. It contains several articles dealing with conflict issues. The topic of the first two is the 2008 Rome I Regulation on the law governing contractual obligations. First, Hughes Kenfack, a professor at Toulouse University, wonders whether the Regulation […]

West Tankers: Online Symposium

The European Court of Justice has delivered its judgment in the West Tankers case. This decision was much awaited. It raises critical issues, in particular in respect of the actual scope of European civil procedure, the consequences of the principle of mutual trust and the tolerance of the European Union with regard common law procedural devices. In the […]