Entries by Gilles Cuniberti

First 2010 Special Issue of Gazette du Palais on International Litigation

The last issue of French daily legal journal Gazette du Palais dedicated to european and international litigation (Contentieux judiciaire européen et international) was released on May 29th, 2010. In a first piece, Marie-Laure Niboyet and Mathias Audit, who are both professors at Paris X Nanterre University discuss the recent decisions rendered by French courts in the Vivendi case (L’affaire […]

Res Judicata for Foreign Freezing Orders?

Can foreign freezing orders prevent the forum from granting leave to attach provisionally local assets? The Rouen Court of appeal ruled so in a judgment of 24 March 2009. The case was about the sale of a ship from a company incorporated in Panama to a companny incorporated in the Marshall Islands. The parties had […]