About Gilles Cuniberti
Gilles Cuniberti is a professor of law at the University of Luxembourg. Previously, he taught for 10 years at the Faculty of Law of Paris 12 University (Paris Val-de-Marne). His primary teaching and research interests are comparative law, conflict of laws, international arbitration and international litigation. He is a regular contributor to the Journal de Droit International (Clunet). He has been a visiting faculty at Duke Law School, Renmin University of China and Sheffield Hallam University.
He holds a Doctorate in Law from Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University and an LL.M. degree from Yale Law School. He was also a Paris-Oxford Doctoral Program Scholar for a year at Trinity College, Oxford. He is admitted to the Paris Bar and practiced on a part-time basis in the Paris office of a leading English firm from 1999 to 2004.
Beyond Contract - The Case for Default Arbitration in International commercial Disputes, 32 FORDHAM INT'L L.J. 417 (2009)
Le principe de territorialité des voies d'exécution, JOURNAL DU DROIT INTERNATIONAL 2008.963
The Recognition of Judgments Lacking Reasons in Europe: Access to Justice, Foreign Court Avoidance and Efficiency, 57 INT’L & COMP. L. Q. 25 (2008)
L’apprezzamento dell’efficacia della clausola arbitrale da parte del giudice statale : un conflitto tra Italia e Francia, 21 DIRITTO COMMERCIO INTERNAZIONALE 2007.789 (with M. Winkler)
E-mail: gilles.cuniberti@conflictoflaws.net
Entries by Gilles Cuniberti
Orejudo on the Law Applicable to Mediation Contracts
/in /by Gilles CunibertiPatricia Orejudo Prieto de los Mozos, who is a professor of private international law at the University of Oviedo (Spain), has posted
Swiss Conference on the Brussels I Review
/in /by Gilles CunibertiThe Swiss Institute of Comparative Law will hold a conference on the
Fourth Issue of 2010’s Revue Critique de Droit International Privé
/in /by Gilles CunibertiThe last issue of the Revue critique de droit international privé was just released. It contains two articles and several casenotes. The full table of content can be found
French Court Declines Jurisdiction in Libel Case over Book Review
/1 Comment/in /by Gilles CunibertiYesterday, a Paris criminal court declined jurisdiction over the proceedings initiated against Joseph Weiler for a book review published on his website (original judgment available
Ringe and Hellgardt on Issuer Liability
/in /by Gilles CunibertiWolf-Georg Ringe (Oxford Faculty of Law) and
First Issue of 2011’s ICLQ
/in /by Gilles CunibertiThe first issue of the
Gambazzi Looses in Milan
/2 Comments/in /by Gilles CunibertiOn 24 November 2010, the Milan Court of appeal found that the English judgments delivered in 1998 and 1999 in the Gambazzi case were not contrary to Italian public policy and could thus be declared enforceable in Italy. We had reported earlier on this
Symposium on Chinese – EU Private International Law
/in /by Gilles CunibertiTsinghua University School of Law, Strasbourg University and China-EU School of Law will co-organize an
Dallah, Part 2: French Court Reaches Opposite Conclusion
/2 Comments/in /by Gilles CunibertiWe knew that the English and the French do not drive on the same side of the road. We also knew that they do not perceive arbitration in the same way. We now will also know that, when looking at the same evidence, they reach opposite conclusions. This is the lesson of reading together the judgments of the […]