Entries by Gilles Cuniberti

French Conference on Arbitration and EU Law

A conference on Arbitration and European Union Law (Arbitrage et droit de l’Union europeenne) will be held in Paris on November 4th, 2011. 8h30 – Accueil et inscription des participants 9h00 – Allocution introductive M Philippe LEBOULANGER Président du Comité français de l’arbitrage Avocat au Barreau de Paris PREMIERE PARTIE – L’EXCLUSION DE L’ARBITRAGE DU DOMAINE […]

Cyprus Workshop on the Brussels I Reform and on Collective Redress

On Friday 30 September, the University of Cyprus will host a workshop on International Developments in International Commercial Litigation. There will be two workshops respectively on “the Revision of the Brussels I Regulation” and “A European Regime for Collective Redress”. This event is sponsored by the European Commission under the Framework Programme on Judicial Cooperation […]