Entries by Gilles Cuniberti

Unidroit Seeks to Recruit its Deputy Secretary-General

UNIDROIT is inviting applications for the position of Deputy Secretary-General of the Organization. The position is for two years, renewable for periods of five years. The ideal candidate is an outstanding lawyer who, in addition to a distinguished career in his/her field (governmental, academic, intergovernmental or other), has a solid knowledge of comparative private law, […]

Third Edition of Niboyet & La Pradelle’s Droit international privé

The third edition of the manual of Marie-Laure Niboyet and Géraud Geouffre de la Pradelle (both professors at Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense University) on the French conflict of laws was published earlier this fall. In the French tradition, the book covers not only choice of law, jurisdiction and judgments, but also the law of […]

Addresses to the French PIL Committee, 2008-2010

The collection of the addresses to the French Private International Law Committee (Comité français de droit international privé) during academic years 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 was published earlier this fall. The committee is addressed by four speakers each year, typically two young French academics, one practitioner and one foreign academic. The publication includes non only the paper of the […]

Adresses to the French PIL Committee, 2006-2008

The previous volume of the collection of the addresses to the French Private International Law Committee (Comité français de droit international privé) covers academic years 2006-2007 and 2007-2008. The addresses discussed the following topics: – Réflexions sur le rattachement des immeubles en droit international privé (Thierry Vignal) – De quelques difficultés posées en droit français par la […]

New French Book on International Commercial Law

Olivier Cachard, who is a professor of law at Nancy University, has published the second edition of his manual on international commercial law. In the French tradition, the book includes developments on international commercial contracts, the law governing corporations, international insolvency, international bank undertakings, and international commercial arbitration. The table of contents is available